The Genetic EpistemologistSpring 1996Vol. XXIV, No. 2 1996 |
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The Essential Piaget: An Interpretive Reference and Guide
Howard E. Gruber and J. Jacques Vonèche, Editors
Here, truly, is the essential Piaget -- a distillation of the eminent Genevan's extraordinary legacy to modem psychological knowledge. This generous selection of the most important of Piaget's writings, spanning a period of some seventy years, organizes the core of his remarkable contribution in a way that -- as never before -- clarifies and illuminates his aims, ideas, and underlying themes.
"Through its completeness, its logical organization, and its sensitive commentaries, The Essential Piaget gives a clear and valuable picture of the man as seen in his work."
-Bärbel Inhelder"A gem of a book that will make Piaget much more broadly accessible to general audiences... The appeal of this book is that it captures so well the beauty of Piaget's mind in motion."
-David Elkind, New York Times Book Review"To live up to its title, this volume should be seen as 'necessary' by anyone with a serious interest in Piaget; it should encapsulate in its 901-odd pages the principal features of its subject. Without question, The Essential Piaget succeeds on both counts."
-Howard Gardner, Harvard University
J. Jacques Vonèche is Professor of Child Psychology at
the University of Geneva.
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