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The Genetic Epistemologist

Summer 1995

Vol. XXIII, No. 2 1995

Program for the 25th Annual Symposium of
The Jean Piaget Society

"Piaget, Evolution, and Development"

June 1-3, 1995, Berkeley Marina Marriott, Berkeley, California

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Table of Contents

Introductory Remarks

Melanie Killen and Jonas Langer (from the Fall 1995 issue of GE)

List of Presenters (size=49K)

Plenary Sessions (size=8K)

  1. The Evolution and Development of Self-Knowledge
    (Sue Parker, Sonoma State University)
  2. Social Cognition and the Evolution of Culture
    (Michael Tomasello, Emory University)
  3. Biological Evolution and Cognitive Development
    (Michael Mckinney, University of Tennessee)
  4. Primate Cognitive Development and Evolution
    (Francesco Antinucci, CNR, Rome)
  5. Prehistory and Cognitive Development
    (Peter Damerow, Max-Planck, Berlin)
  6. The Evolution and Development of Language
    (E. Sue Savage-Rumbaugh, LRC, Georgia State University)
  7. The Evolution and Development of Attachment
    (Stephen Suomi, NIH, Bethesda)

Invited Workshops (size=4K)

  1. Pairing Children and Adolescents for the Prevention of Negative Life Outcomes and the Promotion of Social Development
    (Robert L. Selman, Harvard University)

Invited Symposia (size=12K)

  1. Theory of Mind
    (Organizer: Andrew Whiten, University of St Andrews)
  2. Piaget and Garcia's Model of Development in Psychogenesis and the History of Science
    (Organizer: Gérald Noelting, Université Laval)
  3. Development, Evolution, and Culture
    (Organizer: Elliot Turiel, UC Berkeley)
  4. A Comparative Analysis of Object Permanence and Search Behavior
    (Organizer: Francois Doré, Université Laval)
  5. Imitation in Comparative Evolutionary Perspective
    (Organizer: Anne Russon, Glendon College)
  6. Conflict Resolution in Human and Nonhuman Primates
    (Organizer: Frans de Waal, Yerkes Regional Primate Research Center and Emory University)

Symposia (size=13K)

  1. Applying Rasch Analysis to Cognitive Developmental Data
    (Organizer: Trevor G. Bond, James Cook University of North Queensland)
  2. Hearing, Seeing and Thinking in Music and the Visual Arts: Issues of Development
    (Organizer: Constance Milbrath, Department of Psychiatry, University of California)
  3. The Development of Cognitive Structures for Sex-Role, Racial Identity, and Coping in African-American Adolescents
    (Organizer: Davido Dupree, University of Pennsylvania)
  4. Representations of Relationships: Their Impact on Risk and Resilience in Development
    (Organizer: Gil G. Noam, Harvard Medical School and Harvard Graduate School of Education)
  5. The Interpretative Turn: Implications for the Study of Human Development
    (Organizer: Cynthia Lightfoot, SUNY Plattsburgh)
  6. Interdisciplinary Exploration and Practice of Constructivist Pedagogy Across the Lifespan
    (Organizer: Greta Eleen Pennell, Rutgers University)
  7. On the Role of Self in the Development of Knowledge. Beginnings of Self in Collaborative Constructions of Memory Narratives
    (Organizer: Colette Daiute, The Graduate School and University Center of the City University of New York)

Paper Sessions (size=31K)

  1. Theoretical Perspectives on Development
    (Chair: Terrance Brown)
  2. Social Cognition I
    (Chair: Nancy Nordmann, National-Louis University)
  3. Social Cognition II
    (Chair: William Aresenio, Yeshiva University)
  4. Animal Cognition
    (Chair: Thomas Bidell, Boston College)
  5. Theory of Mind I
    (Chair: Marc Lewis, OISE)
  6. Theory of Mind II
    (Chair: James P. Byrnes, University of Maryland)
  7. Evolution and Development
    (Chair: Peter Pufall, Smith College)
  8. Social Interaction
    (Chair: Prentice Starkey, UC Berkeley)

Discussion Sessions (size=6K)

  1. Piaget and the Logic of Psychopathology
    (Organizers: Gerald H. Zuk & Carmen Veiga Zuk)
  2. What is the Role of Student Interest in "Developmentally Appropriate" Education?: A Discussion
    (Organizers: K. Ann Renninger, Swarthmore College, Rosalie P. Fink, Lesley College)
  3. The Teaching of Reading: Viewpoints from Current Writing and Research
    (Organizer: Jeannette Mccarthy Gallagher, Lehigh University)
  4. Thinking Science: A Program For the Long-term Promotion of Formal Operations in Middle and High Schools
    (Organizer: Philip S. Adey, King's College London)

Poster Sessions (size=13K)

Program Committee

Henry Markovits (Chair)
Joyce Benenson, Thomas Bidell, Trevor Bond, Therese Bouffard, Judy Deloache, Wolfgang Edelstein, Bridget Franks, Jeannette Gallagher, Susan Gelman, William Gray, Suzanne Hala, Charles Helwig, Richard Hoffman, William Hoyer, Lynne Hudson, Judy Hudson, Peter Kahn, Katherine Karraker, Monika Keller, Deanna Kuhn, Philip Lewin, Marc Lewis, Lynn Liben, Cynthia Lightfoot, Jack Meecham, Constance Milbrath, Patricia Miller, David Moshman, Edith Neimark, Katherine Nelson, Gerald Noelting, Sylvie Normandeau, Ira Noveck, Gilberte Piéraut-Le-Bonniec, Sandra Pipp, Richard Pollack, Diane Poulin-Dubois, Peter Pufall, Robert Ricco, Loretta Rieser-Danner, Eberhard Schröder, Irving Sigel, Judith Sims-Knight, Leslie Smith, Prentice Starkey, Marie Tisak, Mary Trepanier-Street, Jonathan Tudge, David Uttal, John Waggoner, Shawn Ward

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Last Update: 21 March 1998