Program for the 26th ANNUAL SYMPOSIUM OF THE JEAN PIAGET SOCIETY CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT: A PIAGETIAN LEGACY June 6-8, 1996 Doubletree Hotel Philadelphia, Pennsylvania | TABLE OF CONTENTS | |
Conference Theme
The Jean Piaget Society celebrates the centennial of Piaget's birth by examining the manner in which he framed our understanding of, as well as our methods for studying, conceptual development. The celebration begins with a keynote address by Bärbel Inhelder, whose collaborative work with Piaget forms a significant aspect of his scholarly legacy. We celebrate this legacy in two ways. One, through three Plenary Panels focusing on the nature and origins of concepts, as well as the sources of conceptual change. Each panel consists of a framer, and two panelists, whose experimental or theoretical work within the Piagetian or Neo-Piagetian tradition has elucidated and extended aspects of Piaget's genetic epistemology. Two, by following Plato's ideal of a symposium, we see these panels as reinvigorating the critical interdisciplinary dialogue about the nature of conceptualization and its development so creatively provoked within Piaget's scholarship. Each formal panel leads directly into an open dialogue among panelists and participants alike, an enchange made more congenial and energetic by food and drink.
Symposium Organizers:
Ellin K. Scholnick, Patricia Miller, Susan Gelman, Katherine Nelson
Program Committee:
Eric Amsel, Harry Beilin, Thomas Bidell, Trevor Bond, Celia Brownell, Judy Deloache, Wolfgang Edelstein, Bridget Franks, Jeanette McCarthy Gallagher, Carol Harding, Daniel Hart, William J. Hoyer, Peter H. Kahn, Jr., William S. Hall, Monika Keller, Jonas Langer, Marta Laupa, Philip Lewin, Jack Meacham, Constance Milbrath, Edith Neimark, Judith Newman, Sylvie Normandeau, Fritz Oser, Gilberte Pieraut-Le-Bonniec, Sandy Pipp-Siegel, Judith E. Sims-Knight, Robert Ricco, Loretta Rieser-Danner, Leslie Smith, Mark B. Tappan, Marie Tisak, Mary Trepanier-Streeti, Elliot Turiel, Ina C. Uzgiris, John Waggoner, Lawrence Walker
Agenda for the Society Members' Annual Meeting
Ormandy West, Friday 12:30 - 1:30
- Minutes of the 1995 Annual Business Meeting
Cynthia Lightfoot, Secretary
- Financial Report
William Gray, Treasurer
- Announcements
Michael Chandler, President
- Nominations for Board of Directors
- Thomas R. Bidell
- Dante Cicchetti
- Patricia Greenfield
- Geoffrey B. Saxe
- Jacques Vonèche
Procedure for Nomination of Candidates:
Nominations for candidates for election to the Board of Directors made other than by the Nominating Committee, must be made in writing by at least twenty-five members and the nominations filed with the Secretary at least seven days prior to the annual meeting. This procedure for nomination by petition shall be described with the announcement of the Board-endorsed slate of candidates published in the Symposium Program issue of the Genetic Epistemologist.
- Local Arrangements Report
Willis Overton, Chair of Local Arrangements
- New Business
© 1995-1996 The Jean Piaget
Send comments to: Chris Lalonde ( Last update: 8 June 1997 |