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Information in parentheses refers to program sessions in which the individual is present. See the Program Overview for scheduling of sessions.
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A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
A-C, D-G, H-M, N-S, T-Z
[top of page] A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
- Eugene Abravanel (PS4)
- Dept. of Psychology
- The George Washington University
- Washington, D.C. 20052
- 202-994-6309
- Curt Acredolo (PT1)
- Human Development and Family Studies
- University of California
- Davis, Ca 95616
- 916-752-6235
- Sigrun Adalbjarnardottir (PT1)
- Faculty of Social Science
- Oddi, University of Iceland
- 101 Reykjavik, Iceland
- Mary M. Ahern (PT1)
- 1443 Fifth Avenue
- San Francisco, Calif. 94122
- Martha Wagner Alibali (SM6, SM10)
- Carnegie Mellon University
- Department of Psychology
- Pittsburgh, PA 15213
- 412-268-4964
- Paul Ammon (IS2)
- University of California, Berkeley
- 4511 Tolman Hall
- Berkeley, CA 94720
- Eric Amsel (PS7)
- Vassar College
- Poughkeepsie, NY 12601
- James N. Aronson (PS4)
- Dept. of Psychology
- University of Massachusetts at Boston
- 100 Morrissey Blvd. Boston, MA 02125-3393
- William Arsenio (SM2)
- Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology
- 5th floor Mazer Bldg. 1300
- Morris Park Ave.
- Bronx NY 10461
- (718) 430-4201
- Saba Ayman-Nolley (PS6)
- Northeastern Illinois University
- Dept. of Psychology
- 5500 North St. Louis Avenue
- Chicago, IL 60625-4699
- 312-794-2593
[top of page] A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
- David Bearison (SM5)
- Developmental Psychology Program
- The Graduate Center, CUNY
- 33 West 42nd Street
- New York, NY 10036
- 212-642-2558
- Harry Beilin (IS3)
- Developmental Psychology, CUNY
- Graduate Center
- 33 W. 42nd St. New York, NY 10036
- Joyce Benenson (PT1)
- Department des sceinces du comportment Humain
- Université du Quebec en Abitibi-Temiscamingue
- 42 Monseigneur Rheaume Est
- Case Postale 700 Rouyn-Noranda
- Quebec, CANADA, J9X 5E4
- Marvin W. Berkowitz (W) W. Schroeder Complex, RM. 454
- Marquette University
- P.O. Box 1881
- Milwaukee, WI 53201-1881
- 414-288-7221
- Thomas R. Bidell (SM6, SM10)
- Boston College
- School of Education
- Campion Hall, Room 239-D
- Chestnut Hill, MA 02167-3813
- (617) 566-5844
- Andrew Biemiller (SM3)
- Institute of Child Study
- University of Toronto
- 45 Walmer Rd.
- Toronto, Ontario, CANADA M5R 2X2
- (416) 978-5127
- Allen Black (IS1)
- Graduate School of Education
- University of California
- Berkeley, CA 94720-1670
- Tamara Black (PS6)
- Learning Technology Center
- Vanderbilt Univesity
- Peabody Box 45
- Nashville, TN 37203-0045
- Pamela Blewitt (PT1)
- Department of Psychology
- Villanova University
- Villanova, PA 19085
- 610-519-4744
- Elena Bodrova (PT2)
- Department of Psychology
- Metropolitan State College of Denver
- P.O. Box 173362
- Denver, CO 80217-3362
- 303-556-4440
- Trevor G. Bond (SM1, SM4, PT2)
- School of Education
- James Cook University
- Post Office JCUNQ Q4811
- Australia
- James R. Booth (PS8)
- Department of Psychology
- Carnegie Mellon University
- Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890
- 412-268-8875
- Yvon Bouchard (PT2)
- Department des sceinces de l' education
- Université du Quebec à Rimouski
- 300 Allee des Ursulines
- Rimouski, (Quebec), CANADA, G5L 3A1
- Chris J. Boyatzis (PT2)
- Dept. of Psychology Bucknell University
- Lewisburg, PA 17837
- 717-524-1696
- Terrance Brown, Chair (IS4, SM2)
- 3530 N. Lake Shore Dr., 12-A
- Chicago, IL 60657
- (312) 327-8570
- James P. Byrnes (PT2)
- Dept. of Human Development
- University of Maryland
- College Park, MD 20742
[top of page] A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
- Susan Carey (PP3)
- Department of Brian and Cognitive Sciences
- Cambridge, MA 02139
- Robbie Case (PP1)
- RGN Liadlaw Centre
- University of Toronto
- Institute for Child Study
- 45 Walmer Rd.
- Toronto, Canada M5R 2X2
- R.B. Church (SM6, SM10)
- Northeastern Illinois University
- Department of Psychology
- 5500 North St. Louis Ave.
- Chicago, IL 60625
- (312) 794-2568
- Paul A. Cobb (Invited Presentation)
- Vanderbilt University
- Dept. of Teaching and Learning
- Peabody College
- Nashville, TN 37203
- Gino Coudé (SM1,SM4)
- Ecole d Psychologie
- Université Laval
- Quebec, CANADA G1K 7P4
- Maria I. Cordero (PT1)
- 180 West End Avenue, Apt 1-P
- NY, NY 10023
- 718-260-6873
- Brian D. Cox (PS7)
- Psychology Dept.
- 127 Hofstra University
- 034 Monroe Hall
- Hempstead, NY 11550-1090
- 516-463-5171
- Guy Cucumel (PT2)
- CIRADE-Université du Québec à Montréal
- Case polstale 8888, succurale Centre-Ville
- Montreal (Quebec), CANADA, H3C EP8
- Phyllis Curtis-Tweed (PS8)
- Harvard University
- Judge Baker Children's Center
- 295 Longwood Avenue
- Boston, MA 02115
- 617-232-8390 ext. 2228
A-C, D-G, H-M, N-S, T-Z
[top of page] A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
- Colette Daiute (SM5)
- Developmental Psychology Program
- The Graduate Center, CUNY
- 33 West 42nd Street
- New York, NY 10036
- 212-642-2558
- Fred L. Damarin (PT1)
- Psychology Department
- Ohio University
- 1885 Neil Ave. Mall
- Columbus, OH 43210
- 614-292-1570
- Scott Daubert (PS2)
- Department of Counseling Psychology
- Lehigh University
- Bethlehem, PA 18015
- (610)759-4551
- Theo Dawson (SM4, PT1)
- Graduate School of Education
- University of California at Berkeley
- 4511 Tolman Hall
- Berkeley, CA 94720
- (510) 841-4055
- Jennifer de la Ossa (PS1)
- Department of Psychology
- University of California, Riverside
- Riverside, CA 91711
- Gedeon Deák (PS7)
- Department of Psych. and Human Dev.
- Box 512 GPC, Vanderbilt University
- Nashville, TN 37203
- 615-322-8141
- 615-343-2790
- Teddi S. Deka (PT1)
- Psychology Department
- Ohio University
- 1885 Neil Ave. Mall
- Columbus, OH 43210
- 614-292-1570
- Douglas DeLorenzo (PS7)
- Educational Studies Department
- 201 Willard Hall, College of Education
- University of Delaware
- Newark, DE 19716
- Susanne Denham (SM2)
- Department of Psychology
- George Mason University
- 4400 University Drive Fairfax, VA 22030
- (703) 993-4081
- Linda E. Derscheid (PT1)
- Dept. of Human and Family Resources
- Northern Illinois University
- Dekalb, Illinois 60115
- 815-753-6341
- Alain Desrochers (PT2)
- School of Psychology
- University of Ottawa
- 145 Jean-Jacques Lussier
- Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6N5
- Maria G. Dias (SM8)
- Federal University of Pernambuco,
- Mestrado em Psicologia CFCH 80 andar Cidade Universitaria
- Rua Academico Helio Ramos, 50670-901
- Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil
- (0115581)2718272
- Chrystina Dolyniuk (SM3)
- Department of Educational Psychology
- The University of Calgary
- 2500 University Drive NW
- Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2N 1N4
- Bruce Dorval (SM5)
- Developmental Psychology Program
- The Graduate Center, CUNY
- 33 West 42nd Street
- New York, NY 10036
- 212-307-5583
- Jane Drummond (PT1)
- Faculty of Nursing & The Centre for
- Research in Applied Measurement and Evaluation
- 3rd fl., Clinical Sciences Bldg.
- University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB
- Canada T6G 2G3
[top of page] A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
- Morris Eagle (SM3)
- Ontario Institute for Studies in Education
- Bloor Street West
- Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 1V6
- Jane Easton (SM3)
- Our Lady of Peace School
- 14826 Millrise Hill SW
- Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2Y 2B4
[top of page] A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
- Michel Ferrari (PS5)
- Dept. of Psychology
- Yale University
- Box 11A Yale Station
- New Haven, CT 06520-7447
- 203-432-4658
- Rosalie P. Fink (DS)
- Lesley college
- 29 Everett Street
- Cambridge, MA 02138
- 617-349-8969
- Gary Fireman (PS2)
- Department of Psychology
- Texas Tech University
- P.O. Box 4100
- Lubbock, TX 79410
- 806-742-3712
- Kurt W. Fischer (SM7, IS1)
- Larsen Hall 703, Human Development and Psychology
- Harvard Graduate School of Education
- Cambridge, MA 02138 (617)495-3446
- Marie-Leda Fluery (PT2)
- Department de psychologie
- Université du Québec à Montréal
- C.P. 8888, Succ ÒCentre-VilleÓ
- Montreal, Quebec H3C 3P8
- Canada
- George Forman (IS2)
- University of Massachusett
- Amherst, MA 01001
- Catherine Twomey Fosnot (IS2)
- CCNY 138 Convent Avenue
- New York, NY 10031
- Christine Fox (PT2)
- Educational Research
- University of Toledo
- Toledo, OH 43606-3390
- 419-530-2473
- Lucia French (PT1)
- 1-312 Dewey
- University of Rochester
- Rochester, NY 14627
- 716-275-2616
- 716-275-3235
- Doug Frye (SM10)
- New York University
- 6 Washington Pl.,
- New York, NY 10012
- William G. Fullard (DS)
- Temple University
- College of Education
- Psychological Studies
- Philadelphia, PA 19122
- 215-836-2240
[top of page] A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
- Jeanette McCarthy Gallagher (DS, PS2)
- Lehigh University
- 30 Golfview Road
- Doylestown, PA 18901
- 215-348-2896
- Philip Garber (SM6, SM11)
- University of Chicago
- Department of Psychology
- 5848 S. University Avenue
- Chicago, IL 60637
- (312) 702-1562
- Rolando Garcia (PP2, IS3)
- Centro de Investigation y de
- Estudios Avanzados, Institutos Polytecnico Nacional,
- 04100 Mexico, D. F.
- J. L. Gariepy (SM9)
- Department of Psychology
- CB# 3270 - Davie Hall
- University of North Carolina
- Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3270
- (919) 962-2392
- Catherine Garnier (PT2)
- CIRADE-Université du Québec à Montréal
- Case polstale 8888, succurale Centre-Ville
- Montreal (Quebec), CANADA, H3C EP8
- Mary Gauvain (PS1)
- Department of Psychology
- University of California, Riverside
- Riverside, CA 91711
- 909-787-4690
- Susan A. Gelman (PP1)
- Department of Psychology
- University of Michigan
- 330 Packard Rd.
- Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2994
- Joshua Aaron Ginzler (PS3)
- Psychology Dept.
- Bowling Green State University
- Bowling Green, Ohio 43403
- 419-372-2301
- Carol Goddard (PS5)
- 21 Gateway Dr.
- Great Neck, NY 11021
- 516-829-1507
- Susan Goldin-Meadow (SM6)
- University of Chicago
- 5848 S. University Avenue
- Department of Psychology
- Chicago, IL 60637
- (312) 702-2585
- Roberta M. Golinkoff (PS7)
- Educational Studies Department
- 201 Willard Hall, College of Education
- University of Delaware
- Newark, DE 19716
- Claire Golomb (PS4)
- Dept. of Psychology
- University of Massachusetts at Boston
- 100 Morrissey Blvd. Boston, MA 02125-3393
- 617-287-6365
- Nira Granott (SM7)
- University of Texas at Dallas
- Human Development, Box 830688
- University of Texas at Dallas
- Richardson, TX 75083 USA
- (214)883-6349
- William M. Gray (PT2, SM4)
- Educational Psychology
- University of Toledo
- Toledo, OH 43606-3390
- 419-530-2481
- Betsey A. Grobecker (SM4)
- Auburn University
- Curriculum and Teaching,
- 5040 Haley Center
- Auburn, AL 36849-5212
- Howard E. Gruber (IS4, EI)
- Dept, of Educational and Developmental Psychology
- Box 119
- Teachers College
- Columbia University
- New York, NY 10027
A-C, D-G, H-M, N-S, T-Z
[top of page] A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
- William S. Hall (PS8)
- Department of Psychology
- University of Maryland
- College Park, MD 20742-4411
- 301-405-5788
- Tamara G. Halle (PS2)
- Carolina Consortium on Human Development
- Center for Developmental Science
- 521 Greensboro Street, C.B. #8115
- University of North Caroline
- Chapel Hill, NC 25799-8115
- 919-962-0333
- Colleen Hanson (SM7)
- Psychology Department
- California State University, Stanislaus
- Turiock, CA 95380
- 209-667-3386
- Paul L. Harris (PS4)
- Department of Experimental Psychology
- University of Oxford
- South Parks Rd.
- Oxford OX1 3UD
- U.K.
- Daniel Hart (PS3)
- Department of Psychology
- Rutgers University
- Camden, NJ 08102
- Charles C. Helwig (PT2)
- Department of Psychology
- University of Toronto
- 100 St. George St.
- Toronto, Ontario M5S 1A1
- 416-978-7609
- Traci Higgins (PS6)
- Dept. of Psychology
- Clark University
- Worcester, MA 01610
- Richard J. Hofmann (PT2)
- Educational Leadership
- Miami University
- Oxford, OH 45056
- 513-529-6640
- Li Hong (PT2)
- Rm. 1203, Unit 2, Bldg. 11
- Dao Xiang Yuan
- Hai Dian District
- Beijing 100080
- P.R. China
- Karen Horobin (PT1)
- School of Education
- California State University
- Sacramento, CA 95819-6079
- 916-278-5528
- Monica Howe (PT1)
- Dept. of Psychology
- State University of New York
- Plattsburgh, NY 12901
- Tibor Hrubos (PT1)
- Department of Psychology
- Villanova University
- Villanova, PA 19085
- 610-519-4720
- Yeh Hsueh (PT2)
- 15 Edgecliff Road
- Watertown, MA 02172
- 617-923-2430
- Maria Hurtado (PS1)
- Department of Psychology
- University of California, Riverside
- Riverside, CA 91711
[top of page] A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
- Jodi D. Jacobson (PT2)
- 1219B Zoology-Psychology Bldg.
- University of Maryland
- College Park, MD 20742
- 301-405-5867
- Philip N. Johnson-Laird (PT2, PT1)
- Dept. of Psych.
- Princeton University
- Green Hall
- Princeton, NJ 08544
- 609-258-4432
- Paul M. Jurczak (PS2)
- 3301 SW Archer Rd., #33A
- Gainesville, FL 32608
- 904-373-6385
[top of page] A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
- Peter Kahn (SM8)
- Program in Education & Human Development
- Colby College, Waterville, ME 04901-8844
- (207) 872-3416
- Robert D. Kavanaugh (PS4)
- Department of Psychology
- Williams College
- Williamstown, MA 01267
- Frank C. Keil (PP1)
- Department of Psychology
- 228 Uris Hall
- Cornell University
- Ithaca, NY 14853
- Spencer D. Kelly (SM10)
- University of Chicago
- Department of Psychology
- 5848 S. University Avenue
- Chicago, IL 60637
- Nadia Khan (PT1)
- Dept. of Psychology
- State University of New York
- Plattsburgh, NY 12901
- Kim Kienapple (PS7)
- Child and Youth Study
- Mount Saint Vincent University
- Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada
- 902-457-6199
- Kim.Kienapple@MSVU.Ca
- Melanie Killen (SM8)
- Department of Human Development
- 3304 Benjamin Blvd.University of Maryland
- College Park, MD 20742
- (301) 405-3176
- Su Yeong Kim (PS8)
- Department of Psychology
- University of Southern California
- Los Angeles, CA 90086
- David Klahr (PP1)
- Department of Psychology
- Carnegie Mellon University
- Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890
- Gary Kose (PS2)
- Dept. of Psychology
- Long Island University
- Brooklyn Campus
- University Plaza
- Brooklyn, NY 11201
- 718-488-1068
- Gail Krivel-Zacks (PS3)
- Dept. of Educational Psych. and Special Ed.
- 2125 Main Mall
- University of British Columbia
- Vancouver, B.C. V6T 1Z4
- Canada
- 604-822-2215
- Linda R. Kroll (IS2)
- Department of Education
- Mills College
- 5000 MacArthur Blvd.
- Oakland, CA 94613
- Ann Cale Kruger (PS1)
- Dept. of educational Psychology and
- Special Education
- Georgia State University
- Atlanta, GA 30303
- 404-651-2310
[top of page] A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
- Amy Lederberg (PS1)
- Dept. of educational Psychology and
- Special Education
- Georgia State University
- Atlanta, GA 30303
- Rebecca Leeb (PT1)
- Department des sceinces du comportment Humain
- Université du Quebec en Abitibi-Temiscamingue
- 42 Monseigneur Rheaume Est
- Case Postale 700 Rouyn-Noranda
- Quebec, CANADA, J9X 5E4
- Elizabeth Lemerise (SM2)
- Department of Psychology
- 1 Big Red Way Western Kentucky University Bowling Green, KY 42101 (502) 745-4390
- Deborah J. Leong (PT2)
- Department of Psychology
- Metropolitan State College of Denver
- P.O. Box 173362
- Denver, CO 80217-3362
- 303-556-4440
- Marc D. Lewis (IS1)
- Ontario Institute for Studies in Education
- 252 Bloor Street West
- Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 1V6
- Lynn S. Liben (PT2)
- 406 Moore Bldg.
- Pennsylvania State University
- University Park, PA 16802
- Cynthia Lightfoot (SM10, PT1)
- Department of Psychology
- State University of New York
- Plattsburgh, NY 12901
- (518) 564 3076
- .edu
- Eliza Beth Littleton (SM6)
- Carnegie Mellon University
- Department of Psychology
- Pittsburgh, PA 15213
- (412) 268-8119
- Maria Lyra (SM10)
- Laboratory of Communication
- Department of Psychology
- Federal University of Pernambuco
- Recife, PE, 50670-901, Brazil
[top of page] A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
- Camelia Maianu (PS8)
- Psychology department
- University of Utah
- Salt Lake City, UT 84112
- 801-581-8081
- Abraham J. Malerstein (PT1)
- 2264 Green Street #4
- San Francisco, CA 94123
- Henry Markovits (PT2)
- Department de psychologie
- Université du Québec à Montréal
- C.P. 8888, Succ ÒCentre-VilleÓ
- Montreal, Quebec H3C 3P8
- Canada
- Jennifer Marshall (PS1)
- Dept. of educational Psychology and
- Special Education
- Georgia State University
- Atlanta, GA 30303
- Michael F. Mascolo (IS1)
- Department of Psychology
- Merrimack College
- North Andover, MA 01845
- Wolfe Mays (IS3)
- Room 620, Institute of Advanced Studies
- All Saints, Manchester Metropolitan University
- Manchester, M15 6BH England
- Deanne McCollum (PT1)
- Psych. Dept.
- California State University
- 5500 University Parkway
- San Bernardino, CA 92407
- 909-880-5570
- Anne McKeough (SM3)
- Dept. of Educational Psychology
- University of Calgary
- 2500 University Dr. NW
- Calgary, Alberta
- (403) 220-5723
- Jack Meacham (PT2)
- Dept of Psychology
- SUNY at Buffalo
- Buffalo, NY 14260-4110
- 716-645-3650 x323
- Andrew N. Meltzoff (PP2)
- Department of Psychology, WJ-10
- University of Washington
- Seattle, WA 98185
- Mark Milehsic (PS7)
- Educational Studies Department
- 201 Willard Hall, College of Education
- University of Delaware
- Newark, DE 19716
- Joan Miller (SM8)
- Department of Psychology
- Yale University, Box 208205
- New Haven, CT 06520-8205
- (203)432-4623
- Patricia Miller (PP3)
- Department of Psychology
- University of Florida
- Gainsville, FL 32611
- Kelly S. Mix (PS7)
- Department of Psychology
- University of Chicago
- 5848 S. University
- Chicago, IL 60637
- 312-929-5006
- Ernst Moerck (SM7)
- Psychology Department
- 5310 North Campus Drive
- California State University at Fresno
- Fresno, California 93740
- (209)278-2336
- Jacques Montangero (IS3)
- Faculte de Psychologie et Sciences d'Education
- Université de Geneve, 9 route de drize,
- 1227 Carouge, Switzerland
- Michael A. Morabito (PT2)
- John Carroll University
- University Hts., OH 44118
- 216-397-4355
- Elizabeth Morley (SM3)
- Institute of Child Study
- University of Toronto
- 45 Walmer Road
- Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5R 2X2
- David Moshman
- Educational Psychology
- University of Nebraska
- Lincoln, NE 68588-0345
- Ulrich Müller (SM1, PS4)
- Temple University
- Department of Psychology
- Weiss Hall
- Philadelphia, PA 19122
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- Darcia Narváez (PS3)
- Dept. of educational Psychology
- 206 Burton Hall
- 178 Pillsbury Drive SE
- Minneapolis, MN 55455
- 612-626-7306
- Charlene Nelson (PT1)
- 340 South Lincoln
- Dixon. CA 95620
- 916-678-2165
- Katherine Nelson (IS1, PP2)
- Developmental Psychology
- CUNY, Graduate Center
- 33 W. 42nd St.
- New York, NY 10036
- Ann Krygier Newman (PT2)
- 406 Moore Bldg.
- Pennsylvania State University
- University Park, PA 16802
- Ageliki Nicolopoulou (IS1)
- Smith College
- Gil Noam (IS3)
- Harvard Graduate School of Education
- Larsen Hall, Appian Way
- Cambridge, MA 02138
- Gérald Noelting (SM1, SM4)
- Ecole de Psychologie
- Université Laval
- Quebec, Canada G1K 7P4
- Gary Novak (SM7)
- Psychology Department
- California State University, Stanislaus
- Turlock, CA 95380
- (209)667-3386
- Larry Nucci (SM8)
- College of Education
- MC147 University of Illinois at Chicago Box 4348
- Chicago, IL 60680
- (312) 996-4856
- ui3043@uicvm
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- Carrie O'Brien (PT1)
- c/o Cordero
- 180 West End Avenue, Apt 1-P
- NY, NY 10023
- David P. O'Brien (SM8)
- Department of Psychology
- Baruch College of CUNY, Box G1126
- 17 Lexington Avenue 10010
- (212) 387-1556
- Victoria Orekhovsky (PT2)
- 3620 Kaneff Cr. #313
- Mississauga, Ontario
- L5A 3X1
- 905-281-3048
- Willis F. Overton (PS4)
- Temple University
- Dept. of Psychology
- Weiss Hall
- Philadelphia, PA 19122
- Susan Oyamo (PP2)
- CUNY, Graduate Center
- 33 W. 42nd St.
- New York, NY 10036
[top of page] A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
- Mari Palokangas-Millery (SM8)
- Psychology
- Graduate Center of the City University of New York
- 33 West 42 Street, New York, NY 10036
- (212)642-2583
- Kellie Parkinson (PT2)
- James Cook University
- James Parziale (SM7)
- Larsen Hall, Human Development and Psychology
- Harvard Graduate School of Education
- Cambridge, MA 02138 USA
- (617)495-3446
- Susan H. Pearsall (PT1, PS5)
- Teachers College, Box 119
- Columbia University
- NY, NY 10027
- 212-678-3882
- Sally Penrose (PT1)
- Dept. of Psychology
- State University of New York
- Plattsburgh, NY 12901
- Michael A. Perrott (SM6)
- Carnegie Mellon University
- Department of Psychology
- Pittsburgh, PA 15213
- (412) 268-8688
- Harriet Petrakos (PT1)
- 3700 McTavis
- Montreal (Quebec), CANADA, H3A 1Y2
- Daniela Plesa (PT1)
- The Graduate School and University Center
- City University of New York
- Dev. Psych. program
- Box 300
- 33 West 42nd St.
- NY, NY 10036-8099
- 212-988-6514
- Dan Pudan
- Northeastern Illinois University
- Department of Psychology
- 5500 North St. Louis Avenue
- Chicago, IL 60625-4699
- Peter B. Pufall (IS2)
- Dept. of Psychology
- Clark Science Center
- Smith College
- Northampton, MA 01063
- 413-585-3921
- Diane Poulin-Dubois (PS7)
- Department of Psychology
- Concordia University
- 1455 de Maisonneuve O.
- Montreal, Quebec, CANADA H3G 1M8
- Steven Pulos (PT1)
- P.O. Box 1039
- Longmont, CO 80502
- Martine Quesnel, (PT2)
- CIRADE-Université du Québec à Montréal
- Case polstale 8888, succurale Centre-Ville
- Montreal (Quebec), CANADA, H3C EP8
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- Stéphane Quinn (PT2)
- Department de psychologie
- Université du Québec à Montréal
- C.P. 8888, Succ ÒCentre-VilleÓ
- Montreal, Quebec H3C 3P8
- Canada
[top of page] A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
- Catherine Raeff (IS1)
- Department of Psychology
- Indiana University of Pennsylvania
- Indiana, PA 15705
- (412) 357-2422
- K. Ann Renninger (DS; IS3)
- Swarthmore College
- 500 College Avenue
- Swarthmore, PA 19081-1397
- 610-328-8347
- Sharon Reynolds (PT1, PS1)
- Texas Christian University
- School of Education
- P.O. Box 32925
- Fort Worth, Texas 76129
- 817-921-7943
- Gregory C. Robison (PS8)
- Department of Psychology
- University of California
- Berkeley, CA 94720
- Robert B. Ricco (PT1)
- Psychology Dept.
- California State University
- 5500 University Parkway
- San Bernardino, CA 92407
- 909-880-5485
- Philip C. Rodkin (PS2)
- Carolina Consortium on Human Development
- Center for Developmental Science
- 521 Greensboro Street, C.B. #8115
- University of North Caroline
- Chapel Hill, NC 25799-8115
- 919-962-0333
- Jean-Pierre Rousseau (SM1, SM4)
- Ecole De Psychologie
- Université Laval, Québec
- Québec, Qc, Canada G1K 7P4
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- Herbert D. Saltzstein (SM8)
- Psychology
- Graduate Center of the City University of New York
- 33 West 42 Street, New York, NY 10036
- 212-642-2552
- James Sampsey (DS2)
- Department of Psychology
- Cal Studies
- Temple University
- Philadelphia, PA 19122
- (215) 925-3447
- Nicholas R. Santilli (PT2)
- Department of Psychology
- John Carroll University
- University Hts., OH 44118
- 216-397-4734
- Susan Savage (PS1)
- Department of Psychology
- University of California, Riverside
- Riverside, CA 91711
- Fabien Savary (PT1)
- Dept. of Psych.
- Princeton University
- Green Hall
- Princeton, NJ 08544
- 609-258-1836
- Geoffrey Saxe (PP3)
- Graduate School of education
- Los Angeles, CA 90024-1521
- Ellin K. Scholnick (PT2, PP1)
- 1219B Zoology-Psychology Bldg.
- University of Maryland
- College Park, MD 20742
- 301-405-5914
- Kimberly A. Schonert-Reichl (PS3)
- Dept. of Educational Psych. and Special Ed.
- 2125 Main Mall
- University of British Columbia
- Vancouver, B.C. V6T 1Z4
- Canada
- 604-822-2215
- Daniel L. Schwartz (PS6)
- Learning Technology Center
- Vanderbilt Univesity
- Peabody Box 45
- Nashville, TN 37203-0045
- Carolyn A. Schult (PS8)
- Lycoming College
- Campus Box 96
- 700 College Place
- Williamsport, PA 17701
- 717-321-4225
- Robert Selman (IS3, PT1)
- Harvard Graduate School of Education
- Larsen Hall #609
- Appian Way
- Cambridge, MA 02138
- James Sempsey (DS)
- Temple University
- 711 E. Passyunk ve.
- Philadelphia, PA 19147
- 215-925-3447
- Cheryl Ann Sexton (PS2)
- Carolina Consortium on Human Development
- Center for Developmental Science
- 521 Greensboro Street, C.B. #8115
- University of North Caroline
- Chapel Hill, NC 25799-8115
- 919-962-0333
- Uri Shafrir (SM3, SM6, PT2)
- Institute for Studies in Education
- 252 Bloor St. West
- Toronto, Ontario, CANADA M5S 1V6
- (416) 923-6641
- Leigh A. Shaw (PS8)
- Psychology department
- University of Utah
- Salt Lake City, UT 84112
- 801-581-8081
- Cindy Lou Shields (PT1)
- Psych. Dept.
- California State University
- 5500 University Parkway
- San Bernardino, CA 92407
- 909-880-5570
- Margaret M. Shuff-Bailey (PS7)
- Special Education Services/Instruction Dept.
- Rowan College of New Jersey
- 201 Mullica Hill Road
- Glassboro, NJ 08028
- Robert S. Siegler (SM6)
- Carnegie Mellon University
- Department of Psychology
- Pittsburgh, PA 15213
- (412) 268-2809
- Irving Sigel (SM5, IS3)
- Educational Testing Service
- Princeton, NJ 08541
- 609-734-5988
- Melissa Singer (PS6)
- Northeastern Illinois University
- Department of Psychology
- 5500 North St. Louis Avenue
- Chicago, IL 60625-4699
- Carol L. Smith (PT2)
- Department of Psychology
- University of Massachusetts, Boston
- Boston, MA 02125
- 617-287-5369
- Mark Stearns (PT1)
- Dept. of Psychology
- State University of New York
- Plattsburgh, NY 12901
- Reg Stevens (PT1)
- Dept. of Human and Family Resources
- Northern Illinois University
- Dekalb, Illinois 60115
- 815-753-6341
- Julia Stewart (PS1)
- Dept. of Educational Psychology and
- Special Education
- Georgia State University
- Atlanta, GA 30303
- Jon Stocksdale (PS1)
- Dept. of educational Psychology and
- Special Education
- Georgia State University
- Atlanta, GA 30303
A-C, D-G, H-M, N-S, T-Z
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- Mark B. Tappan (PS3)
- Program in Education and Human Dev.
- Colby College
- Waterville, ME 04901
- 207-872-3680
- Douglas Thompson (SM6)
- Carnegie Mellon University
- Department of Psychology
- Pittsburgh, PA 15213
- (412) 268-8113
- Marcel Trudel (Poster 2)
- Department des sceinces du
- comportment Humain
- Université du Quebec en Abitibi-Temiscamingue
- 42 Monseigneur Rheaume Est
- Case Postale 700 Rouyn-Noranda
- Quebec, CANADA, J9X 5E4
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- Isabelle Vadeboncoeur (PT2)
- c/o Henry Markovits
- Department de psychologie
- Université du Québec à Montréal
- C.P. 8888, Succ ÒCentre-VilleÓ
- Montreal, Quebec H3C 3P8
- Canada
- Michéle Venet (PT2)
- Department de psychologie
- Université du Québec à Montréal
- C.P. 8888, Succ ÒCentre-VilleÓ
- Montreal, Quebec H3C 3P8
- Canada
- Richard Volpe (SM3)
- Institute of Child Study
- University of Toronto
- 45 Walmer Rd.
- Toronto, Ontario
- (416) 978-5127
- Jacques Vonéche (PP3, SM1)
- Archives Jean Piaget
- 18, route des Acacias
- 1227 Acacias-Geneva
- Switzerland
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- Cecilia Wainryb (SM8, PS8)
- Psychology Department,
- University of Utah
- Salt Lake City, UT 84112,
- (801) 581-8929
- Shelia J. Walker (PS5)
- Dept. of Psychology
- Scripps College
- 1030 Columbia Avenue
- Claremont, CA 91711
- 909-607-2908
- Julie Wang (PT1)
- Psych. Dept. California State University
- 5500 University Parkway
- San Bernardino, CA 92407
- 909-880-5570
- Ward, Shawn (PS1)
- Department of Psychology
- Lemoyne College
- Syracuse, NY 13214
- Barb Wigmore (SM3)
- Department of Educational Psychology
- The University of Calgary
- 2500 University Drive NW
- Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2N 1N4
- L.T. Winegar (SM9)
- Department of Psychology
- Randolph-Macon College
- Ashland, VA 23005
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- Philip David Zelazo (SM10)
- Dept. of Psychology
- University of Toronto
- 100 St. George Street
- Toronto, Canada M5S 3G3
- tel: (416)-978-4260, fax: (416)-978-4811
© 1996 The Jean Piaget
Send comments to: Chris Lalonde ( Last update: 8 June 1997 |