If you are interested in joining the society, visit the Membership Page.
More information on our Annual meeting can be found on the Conference Page.
For more information on JPS publications visit the Publications Page.
The Jean Piaget Society,
established in 1970, has an international, interdisciplinary membership
of scholars, teachers and researchers interested in exploring the
nature of the developmental construction of human knowledge. The
Society was named in honor of the Swiss developmentalist, Jean
Piaget, who made major theoretical and empirical contributions
to our understanding of the origins and evolution of knowledge.
The Society's aim is to provide an open
forum, through symposia, books,
our journal, and other publications,
for the presentation and discussion
of scholarly work on issues related to human knowledge and its development.
The Society further encourages the application of advances in the
understanding of development to education and other domains.
In 1989, the name of the Society was changed
to Jean Piaget Society: Society for the Study of Knowledge and