
JPS Publications

Open Call for Proposals

Special Issue 2021

Due to the pandemic, we will have a one-year delay in the Special Issue of our society journal Human Development. We are now issuing an open call for proposals to produce a special issue theme by August 2020. The quick turnaround time is necessary in order to be able to submit the completed special issue to the journal by the summer of 2021 to keep on track with our usual submission schedule.

By way of background, typically special issues contain four target articles and two commentaries or five target articles (without commentaries), as well as an introduction and concluding article by the guest editor(s).

If you are interested in submitting a proposal, please view the Open Call here.

Members of the Jean Piaget Society receive the following publications:

Cognitive DevelopmentHuman Development

Human Development is the official journal of the Jean Piaget Society.

JPS members have access to this quarterly journal as part of their annual membership benefits.

Distinguished by its international recognition since 1958, Human Development publishes in-depth conceptual articles, commentaries, and essay book reviews that advance our understanding of de­velopmental phenomena. Contributions serve to raise theoretical issues, flesh out interesting and potentially powerful ideas, and differentiate key constructs. Contributions come primarily from developmental psychology. Contributions are also welcomed from varied disciplines, including anthropology, biology, education, history, philosophy, psychology, and sociology.

We are very excited to be able to bring this new benefit to the JPS membership. See the on-line membership form.

Prior to offering access to Human Development, the society published its own quarterly journal and newsletter (The Genetic Epistemologist). Back issues of the journal are available on our web site.