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Resources for Students
For students who are completely unfamiliar with Piaget, the best place
to start is with a good undergraduate textbook on child psychology. Read
the section on Piaget (every good textbook should have one). If that doesn't answer
your question, try checking the "suggested readings" in the back of the
text (most textbooks will have one), or the reference list. If you're
still curious, try one of the more advanced readings listed below.
Suggested readings for those interested in an introduction to Piaget's
- Bringuier, J.-C. (1980). Conversations with Jean Piaget. University
of Chicago Press (original work published 1977)
- Chapman, M. (1988). Constructive evolution: Origins and development
of Piaget's thought. Cambridge University Press.
- Gallagher, J. M. & Reid, D. K. (Foreword by Piaget & Inhelder)
(1981/2002). The Learning Theory of Piaget & Inhelder. Order from
online publisher: www.iuniverse.com.
- Lourenco, O. & Machado, A. (1996). In defense of Piaget's theory:
A reply to 10 common criticisms. Psychological Review, 103(1).
- Piaget, J. (1964). Six Psychological Studies. New York: Vintage.
[the first 70 pages]
- Piaget, J. (1973). The child and reality.
- Piaget, J. (1983). "Piaget's Theory". In P. Mussen (Ed.) Handbook
of child psychology. Wiley.
- Piaget, J., & Inhelder, B. (1969). The psychology of the child.
New York: Basic Books. (original work published 1966)
- Piaget, J. (1985). Equilibration of cognitive structures. University
of Chicago Press.
- Piaget, J. (1995). Sociological studies. Routledge.
- Wadsworth, Barry J. (1989). Piaget's Theory of cognitive and Affective
Development (4th edition). New York: Longman.
These suggestions were taken from messages sent to the piaget-list
From Anastasia Tryphon at the Archives Piaget:
- Inhelder, B. (1989). Bärbel Inhelder (Autobiography). In G. Lindzey
(Ed.), A history of psychology in autobiography, Vol. 8 (pp.
208-243). Stanford: Stanford University Press.
- Piaget, J. (1952). Jean Piaget (Autobiography). In E. G. Boring (Ed.),
A history of psychology in autobiography, Vol. 4 (pp. 237-256).
Worcester MA: Clark University Press.
- Vidal, F. (1994). Piaget before Piaget. Harvard University
- Chapman, M. (1988). Constructive evolution. Origins and development
of Piaget's thought. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Montangero, J. & Maurice-Naville, D. (1997). Piaget or the advance
of knowledge. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
- Gruber, H. E., & Vonèche, J. (1995). The essential Piaget.
Northvale, NJ: Aronson.
- Piaget, J., & Inhelder, B. (1969). The psychology of the child.
New York: Basic Books. (original work published 1966).
Piaget and education:
- Duckworth, E., Easly, J., Hawkings, D., & Henriques, A. (1990). Science
Education. A minds-on approach for the elementary years. Hillsdale,
NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
- Furth, H. (1970). Piaget for teachers. Washington: Prentice
- Kamii, K. (1985). Young children reinvent mathematics. New
York: Columbia University Press.
- Kamii, K. (1989). Young children continue to reinvent mathematics
(2nd grade). New York: Columbia University Press.
The clinical method:- Piaget. J. (1972). The child's conception of the world. Towota,
NJ. Littlefield Adams (original work published 1926)
- Smith, L. (1992) Judgments and justifications: Criteria for the
attribution of children's knowledge in Piagetian research. British
Journal of Developmental Psychology, 10 (1-23).
Some suggestions from for those teaching Piaget from Susan Golbeck
For early childhood people:
- DeVries, R. & Kohlberg, L. (1987). Constructivist early education:
Overview and comparison with other programs. Washington D.C.: National
Association for the Education of Young Children.
A scholarly volume for advanced students in early education interested
in applying Piaget's ideas to curriculum development in programs for
young children. This volume also compares and contrasts a Piagetian
approach with other popular approaches to early education.
- DeVries, R. & Zan, B. (1994). Moral classrooms, moral children:
Creating a constructivist atmosphere in early education. NY: Teachers
College Press.
While geared towards early childhood practitioners, these ideas
are relevant to all classrooms. DeVries and Zan explain why all learning
starts with the sociomoral atmosphere and among other things offer a
constructivist perspective on "classroom management"
For everyone:
- Ginsburg, H. (1997). Entering the child's mind. NY: Cambridge
University Press.
Ginsburg discusses the use of the clinical method. He compares
and contrasts this method of assessment with traditional forms of assessment
and provides many examples and guidelines for novices.
- DeLisi, R. & Golbeck, S. (1999). Implications of Piagetian theory
for peer learning, (3-37). In A. O'Donnell & A. King (Eds.) Cognitive
perspectives on peer learning. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
For graduate students interested in the collaborative and cooperative
learning, this chapter explores the applicability of Piaget's theory.
The chapter includes a discussion of social factors in disequilibration
and a review of research on social interaction and cognitive change.
If you still insist on getting something about Piaget from the web,
try this link: Time
Magazine's 100 Most Important People of the 20th Century.
An invitation from
the webmaster: |
A plea from
the webmaster: |
We are working on developing a set of
resources for students and teachers interested in Piaget's theories.
We hope to have this work completed soon, but as you can appreciate,
getting Piagetian scholars to agree on a common interpretation is
a tall order indeed.
If you have any suggestions for this page -- things that you've
found useful as an introduction to Piaget's work, please send
them to me. |
If you're looking for quick
and easy answers to essay questions, you won't find them here. So
please don't send me an e-mail message that reads:
"Send me information about Piaget's theory. My paper is due
in 2 days!" |