We are a society focused on the study of Knowledge and Development.
The Jean Piaget Society, established in 1970, has an international, interdisciplinary membership of scholars, teachers and researchers interested in exploring the nature of the developmental construction of human knowledge. The Society was named in honor of the Swiss developmentalist, Jean Piaget, who made major theoretical and empirical contributions to our understanding of the origins and evolution of knowledge.
The Society’s aim is to provide an open forum, through symposia, books, our journal, and other publications, for the presentation and discussion of scholarly work on issues related to human knowledge and its development. The Society further encourages the application of advances in the understanding of development to education and other domains.
The Jean Piaget Society is non-profit educational organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code, Gifts to the Piaget Society from U.S. taxpayers are tax deductible to the extent of the law. For information on tax deductible gifts, contact the Treasurer at trbidell@gmail.com.
Who’s Who in JPS
Officers and Executive Committee

Stuart Marcovitch

David Witherington
Past President

Elizabeth Pufall Jones
Vice President, Communications & Publicity

Tom Bidell

Nancy Budwig
Publications Editor

Jan Boom
Webmaster, Vice President IT
Board of Directors

Elliot Turiel

Lucia Alcala

Shannon Audley

Marc Ratcliff

Aleksander Baucal

Elizabeth Cavicchi

Brian Cox

Cynthia Lightfoot

Janet Boseovski

Kelly Lynn Mulvey

Tania Zittoun

David Kritt

Cintia Rodriguez

Alicia Barreiro

Naomi de Ruiter

María Núñez

Tania Stolz
Honorary Members
Willis Overton
Barbara Presseisen
Past Presidents
Marilyn Appel
Terrance Brown
Nancy Budwig
Michael Chandler
Colette Daiute
Kurt Fischer
George Forman
Lynn Liben
Cynthia Lightfoot
Lois Macomber
Jack Meacham
John Mickelson
Frank Murray
Larry Nucci
Willis Overton
Barbara Presseisen
Peter Pufall
Geoffrey Saxe
Ellin K. Scholnick
Irving Sigel
Elliot Turiel
David Witherington
Robert Wozniak
Phil Zelazo
Standing Committees
Nominations Committee
Cintia Rodriguez |
David Witherington (Past President) |
Tania Zittoun, Tania Stoltz |
Email: | Cintia.rodriguez@uam.es |
Committee Description: | The Nominating Committee (NomCom) shall be composed of at least three (3) members. The Past-President shall act as a Co-Chair. This Committee shall aid the board in performing three main tasks: (1) Nominating a new cohort of Board members each year (2) Assigning committee membership each year (3) Nominating a President-Elect every three years The Nominating Committee shall be responsible for establishing criteria for nomination and election and guiding their procedures. It works closely with Membership and Communication Committee, IT Committee, and Executive Committee in performing these tasks. The Nominating Committee has a monthly one-hour meeting during the academic year. Its busiest months are September-October and April-May. The chair and co-chair meet more often occasionally. The Chair coordinates with the other committees as needed. On average, a member spends no more than one hour per week on Committee business. |
Refereed Program Planning Committee
Lucia Alcalà |
Kelly Lynn Mulvey |
Aleksander Baucal, María Núñez |
Email: | lualcala@fullerton.edu |
Committee Description: |
The Refereed Program Committee shall be composed of at least three (3) members. It may be composed of two (2) or more Directors and one (1) or more members of the Corporation. The Vice-President of Information Technology ordinarily sits on this committee as a co-chair. The Refereed Program Planning Committee is broadly charged with the process of reviewing submissions to the Annual Meetings. Specific duties involve assembling a set of reviewers, coordinating submissions and distributing them to reviewers, collecting and summarizing reviews, accepting and rejecting proposals based on reviews, communicating acceptance decisions to proposal submitters, and working with the Invited Program Planning Committee to schedule presentation sessions. Our committee spends a significant amount of time drafting the call for the annual conference and reviewing the submitted proposals. Our main task is to recruit reviewers, coordinating the distribution of proposals to reviewers, sending acceptance and rejection letters and working with the conference organizers to plan the 3-day event. We collaborate closely with the local organizers to create the program and schedule all the events, from the invited presentations to symposium, paper panels, and poster sessions. We meet on a monthly basis but during the review period we meet on a weekly basis a most of the workload for our committee revolves around reviewing proposals and drafting the program. |
Invited Program Planning Committee
Elliot Turiel |
Nancy Budwig (Publications) |
Marc Ratcliff, David Kritt, Janet Boseosvski, María Núñez |
Email: | turiel@berkeley.edu |
Committee Description: | The main task of the Invited Program Planning Committee is to review proposals for themes and participants (Plenary Speakers and Invited Symposia) of the annual JPS meetings. The Committee can solicit proposal for the meetings, though other Board members can also do so. In addition, proposal sometimes are unsolicited. The Committee reviews each proposal and if deemed potentially viable likely suggests revisions of the presentation of the theme and possible plenary speakers, as well as invited symposia. This process can involve one or more reviews until the Committee members are satisfied that the proposal is ready to be considered by the full Board of Directors. Depending on the decision of the Board, the Committee might ask for further revisions or convey that the proposal has been accepted. |
Membership & Publicity Committee
Cynthia Lightfoot |
Elizabeth Pufall Jones (VP Communications & Publicity) |
Elizabeth Cavicchi, Janet Boseovski, Aleksander Baucal, Naomi de Ruiter, Alicia Barreiro |
Email: | cgl3@psu.edu |
Committee Description: |
The Membership and Publicity Committee shall be composed of at least three (3) members. The current Vice-President for Membership and Vice-President of Communications shall act as a Co-Chairs. The Membership and Publicity Committee shall aid the Board in its ongoing task of recruiting and maintaining a membership of adequate size and character to secure the health of the Corporation and achieve its interdisciplinary and international goals. The Committee will act to ensure regular communications with the membership, including publicizing Society conferences and activities in appropriate venues, through a variety of media. In practice, we recently began to develop an infrastructure to help us deal with rising expectations for a social media presence and for communicating new Board initiatives, including Members’ Profiles (which the Committee generates, as well as communicates), the Podcast Series, and Human Development publications. These initiatives are in addition to communications regarding the Call for Proposals, Call for Board Nominations, Call for Award Nominations, advertising the annual conference, and various Society updates. This has included establishing various channels of communication with relevant board committees as well as timelines for posting communications across platforms. The Committee meets via zoom on an as-needed basis, usually bimonthly, for approximately 1-2 hours, with electronic communications between meetings. The chair and co-chair meet and communicate more regularly. It’s difficult to estimate the time commitment, as it likely varies considerably across members depending on what’s going on. For instance, we get busier around the time of the Call for Proposals and the lead-up to the annual conference. Similarly, time spent by the subcommittee responsible for generating the Members Profiles waxes and wanes. I estimate that members spend on average approximately one hour per week on Committee business. |
Awards Committee
Chair: | Brian Cox |
Co-Chair: | Stuart Marcovitch (President) |
Members: | Tania Zittoun, Cynthia Lightfoot, David Kritt, Tania Stolz |
Email: | Brian.D.Cox@hofstra.edu |
Committee Description: |
The Awards Committee is charged with determining the winners of three awards given annually by the JPS: The Doctoral Dissertation Prize; The Early Career Award in Developmental Science; The Distinguished Contributions to Developmental Science Award. The committee is NOT responsible for the Pufall Travel Award. The committee holds meetings (generally online to complete the following tasks:
For the Early Career and Distinguished Contributions Award this entails reading the letter of nomination/application, along with 2 -3 supporting letters and a CV.For the Early Career and Distinguished Contributions Award this entails reading the letter of nomination/application, along with 2 -3 supporting letters and a CV. The committee meets to organize its work for the year, then to select the winners of the early career and distinguished contributions award, and to select the 3 finalists for the dissertation prize. Finally, the committee meets to select the winner of the dissertation prize. Meetings generally last between 30 minutes – one hour. Reading time spent reviewing applications and dissertation materials can take approximately 20 hours altogether. |
Information Technology Committee
Chair: | Shannon Audley |
Co-Chair: | Jan Boom (VP-IT) |
Members: | Marc Ratcliff, Kelly Lynn Mulvey, Elizabeth Pufall Jones, Alicia Barreiro, Naomi de Ruiter |
Email: | saudley@smith.edu |
Committee Description: | The Information Technology Committee is responsible for updating and maintaining our main website (Piaget.org) as well as our Member webpage (member.piaget.org). Our committee is also involved in archiving videos from past plenaries at conferences and helping to archive content such as issues of the Genetic Epistemologist. We coordinate with the Program Planning Committee to ensure that conference registration, reviewing conference submissions, membership registration , and technological aspects of conference scheduling proceed smoothly. We also coordinate with the VP-Communications to ensure that conference, nominations, etc. are being promoted on the webpage. We meet about once every 2 months or so. We expect members to be fairly involved and regularly communicate with one another as a committee. |