Call for Board of Directors Nominations
Nominations for Board of Directors 2025-2029 is now closed.
Dear JPS Members,
The Jean Piaget Society Nominating Committee requests you to nominate persons who might serve as members of our Board of Directors for the term of 2025-2029.
The Nominating Committee is charged with creating a ballot of replacements for the Board to vote on. We seek nominees who have been active in the Society and/or who are scholars in areas of special concern to the Society. We are committed to diversifying and internationalizing our Board and interested in nominees from underrepresented groups to establish reasonable balance across areas of interest and other demographic considerations. We are also looking for nominees who have skills or expertise in areas of social media, office IT, and outreach.
Submit your nominations online or by email September 15, 2024.
Nomination Criteria
The following are some suggested considerations, but not all nominees need to be considered in the same way. Please select or add what you think will strengthen your nomination.
- Nominee’s relevant prior professional service;
- Prior participation in JPS and contribution to its publications and development;
- Key intellectual contributions to the field;
- Diverse representations the candidate would bring to the Board;
- Skills in areas of social media, office IT, and outreach.
Service requirements of the Board membership
Please, consider the service requirements of the Board membership. This service work entails
at least 2 full Board annual meetings, as well as regular committee meetings throughout the
calendar year. Each Board member will be expected to contribute to the service work of 2
committees and to serve as a committee chair after one year’s experience on a committee.
These committees are:
- Awards Committee
- Information Technology Committee
- Invited Program Planning Committee
- Membership & Publicity Committee
- Nomination Committee
- Refereed Program Planning Committee
Online Nominations
If you would like to nominate persons online for possible inclusion in the 2025–2029 Board cohort, please log into your JPS membership account first and then click here for nomination FAQs and here to go to the submission portal. Click on the box “JPS Board of Directors Membership Nomination Submission Portal” to complete your nominations. Should you encounter the message, “You do not have permission to view this content,” it means you have not logged into your account yet. Alternatively, you log in, click on “Nominations” that takes you to the nomination page and submission portal.
Email Nominations
By email, you can first complete your nomination as a word docx, pdf or google doc and email it as an attachment to
Who can be nominated?
Self-nominations and renominations are also welcome.
The Board cohort members for 2022-2025 below who are rotating off the Board next June will be ineligible to be nominated for the 2025-2029 cohort.
The current continuing members of the Board and their terms are:
- 2022-2025: Shannon Audley, Lucía Alcalá, Marc Ratcliff, Sasha Baucal, Elliot Turiel
- 2022-2026: Elizabeth Cavicchi, Brian Cox, Cynthia Lightfoot
- 2023-2027: Janet Boseovski, Kelly Lynn Mulvey, Tania Zittoun, David Kritt, Cintia Rodriguez
- 2024-2028: Alicia Barreiro, María Núñez, Naomi de Ruiter, Tania Stoltz
The current Society Officers who already serve with the Board can be found at Who’s Who in JPS website. They are not eligible for nomination.
Thank you.
With best regards,
Cintia Rodriguez, Chair, JPS Nominating Committee
David Witherington, Co-Chair JPS Nominating Committee (Former President)