The 52nd annual meeting of the Jean Piaget Society will be held in Madrid, Spain
June 1-3, 2023
“Bringing theory to the forefront of developmental neuroscience”
Organized by Susan Rivera and Caitlin Mahy
Local Organizing Committee: Cintia Rodríguez, María Núñez, and Floor van Alphen,
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.
Local Supporting Team: Ignacio Brescó, Cristina Nombela, Cristina del Barrio,
Irene Guevara, Iván Moreno-Llanos, Ignacio Montero, & Elena Pérez.
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.
Special thanks to Jan Boom for additional conference assistance.
Registration is now closed.
The preliminary conference program has been released.
**Please note that there have been scams circulating around booking accommodations for Madrid. Please know that conference attendees need to make their own hotel arrangements and that JPS will not contact you about this.**
For questions about the conference, please contact conference@piaget.org.
The preliminary conference program is now available. Please email conference@piaget.org to resolve any serious scheduling conflicts.
**Please also email conference@piaget.org if you plan to present your paper presentation in Spanish, so we can appropriately indicate it on the conference program**.
Santiago Ramón y Cajal at the Ateneo in Madrid

Madrazo y Garreta, Ricardo de (1852-1917). Portrait of Santiago Ramón y Cajal. Oil on canvas, 69×61 cm. Inventory No: AM/00053-A. Collection of the Scientific, Literary and Artistic Ateneo in Madrid.
Madrazo y Garreta, Ricardo de (1852-1917). Retrato de Santiago Ramón y Cajal. Óleo sobre lienzo, 69×61 cm. No de inventario: AM/00053-A. Colección del Ateneo Científico, Literario y Artístico de Madrid.
Santiago Ramón y Cajal (1852-1934), founder of modern neuroscience, was member number 6.074 of the Madrid Ateneo (Athenaeum). He was President of the Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences department in 1895-1896, and Vice-president of the Governing Board in 1898-1899. He held the Chair for Structure and Activity of the Nervous System, and gave two annual courses between 1896 and 1898. In 1899 he ran the newly created Biology laboratory at the Ateneo. In 1906 he won the Nobel prize in Physiology for his neuronal conception of the nervous system.
“I’m not really a sage, but rather a patriot, more of a tireless worker than a calculating architect, more soldier than captain, in sum, more a man of action than a man of thoughts and words” (Ramón y Cajal, 1900).
Santiago Ramón y Cajal (1852-1934), padre de la neurociencia moderna, era socio del Ateneo con el número 6.074. Fue Presidente de la Sección de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales en 1895-1896, y Vicepresidente de la Junta de Gobierno en 1898-1899. Ocupa la cátedra de Estructura y Actividad del Sistema Nervioso, e impartió dos cursos anuales entre 1896 y 1898. En 1899 dirige el laboratorio de Biología recién creado en el Ateneo. En 1906 obtiene el premio Nobel de Fisiología por su concepción neuronal del sistema nervioso.
“No soy en realidad un sabio sino un patriota, tengo más de obrero infatigable que de arquitecto calculador, más de soldado que de capitán, más en suma de hombre de acción que de hombre de pensamiento y de palabra” (Ramón y Cajal, 1900).