The How Ideas Travel Podcast presents personally intellectual stories of how ideas develop across generations. Curriculum Ideas offer ideas for using the Podcasts in undergraduate and graduate courses and Blogs for community discussion. How Ideas Travel is Developed and Produced by Colette Daiute. Learn more about each season, all participants, and enjoy the related materials by becoming a JPS Member.
Season Two of How Ideas Travel (HIT2) is devoted to Positioning Developmental Psychology. HIT2 highlights local values of active human development researchers working in different regions of the world, from different positions within those regions. Our goal is to convene transnational conversations that broaden the meaning of human development from perspectives in the global south. This decolonial shift considers urgent concerns and priorities of scholars in South America, Africa, and East Asia.

Alicia Barreiro (Argentina), Maria Loreto Martinez (Chile), Andres Molano (Colombia), Susana Frisancho (Peru), and Alejandro Vasquez (Uruguay), and Colette Daiute
Season 2: Positioning Developmental Psychology in Latin America

Anne- Nelly Perret- Clermont
Episode 1: Experiencing thinking
Anne-Nelly Perret-Clermont is Professor Emerita at the Institute of Psychology and Education at the University of Neuchatel, Switzerland. She was a student in psychology with Jean Piaget at the University of Geneva, but also studied vocational guidance at the University of Lausanne and child development at the University of London.
With her research, teaching, and professional leadership, Professor Perret-Clermont has led the way to a social and cultural turn in the understanding of cognitive development. She is especially interested in children’s and adults’ thinking as activity, rather than primarily as abstraction. Dr. Perret-Clermont’s scientific studies of argumentation have been so relevant to professionals in practice, who regularly invite her into their deliberations about how to improve teaching and learning.
Anne-Nelly Perret-Clermont has written and edited many books, beginning with her first book, La construction de l’intelligence dans l’interaction sociale (1979 French edition, Peter Lang)/ Social interaction and cognitive development in children (1980 English edition, Academic Press), which breathed new life into the study of children’s cognitive development. She has written many books since then, including Social Relations in Human and Societal Development, with co-authors Chris Psaltis and Alex Gillespie, and Apprentice in a changing trade, a book she wrote with her husband Jean-Francois about a Swiss technical college that trains young people in precision mechanics during a period of major technological change. Anne-Nelly’s many honors include an honorary doctorate at the University of Göteborg, Sweden, the Yelpanov Medal from Moscow State University of Psychology and Education, and the National Latsis Prize.

Cintia Rodríguez
Episode 2: Collaborating with passion
Cintia Rodríguez is a professor of Developmental Psychology at the University of Autónoma in Madrid, Spain. She studied in the School of Geneva where she had the opportunity to work as an assistant on Bärbel Inhelder’s team. Cintia’s experience in the Groupe Stratégies et résolution de problems (Strategies and problem solving group) provided the chance to work on microgenetic analysis with Madelson Saada-Robert, greatly influencing her research.
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Professor Rodriguez has collaborated with C. Moro in Geneva, and the two are leading figures in understanding the pragmatics of the object in early socio-cognitive development. Recently, Dr. Rodriguez has been studying the early manifestations of executive functions in everyday contexts during the first year of life and in school settings, examining the challenges give themselves as active agents in their own development and the supportive actions by teachers.
An international scholar, Rodriguez spent two sabbatical years abroad, in the 1997-1998 academic year at Clark University, Worcester, MA. USA, and in 2004-2005 at Portsmouth University (UK). She also has had several stays in South America: Mexico, Brazil, Chili, Colombia and Argentina, as well as traveling regularly throughout Europe. Cintia Rodriguez has published extensively in Spanish, French, and English. She has authored or co-authored 5 books and edited volumes, multiple book chapters, and journal articles in prestigious outlets such as Cognitive Development, Human Development, and New Ideas in Psychology.