Membership in The Jean Piaget Society
JPS has an annual membership fee of $50 for regular members and $30 for students, post-docs, emeritus or retired members. We offer a $25 membership fee for members currently residing in developing countries. This fee will cover your membership for a calendar year.
Membership includes Human Development journal privileges, discounted conference fees, access to select issues of the Genetic Epistemologist, access to the How Ideas Travel Podcast Curriculum page and regular communications from the Society.

Human Development
The official journal of the Jean Piaget Society
JPS members have access to this quarterly journal as part of their annual membership benefits.
Distinguished by its international recognition since 1958, Human Development publishes in-depth conceptual articles, commentaries, and essay book reviews that advance our understanding of developmental phenomena. Contributions serve to raise theoretical issues, flesh out interesting and potentially powerful ideas, and differentiate key constructs. Contributions come primarily from developmental psychology. Contributions are also welcomed from varied disciplines, including anthropology, biology, education, history, philosophy, psychology, and sociology.
Please login here to get access to Human Development under Membership Resources.

Please see our Awards Page for more details.
Emerging Scholars
The Emerging Scholars group is comprised of juniors scholars of the Jean Piaget Society. Emerging Scholars have the opportunity to attend Roundtable sessions and the Emerging Scholars dinner at our annual conference.