**Before you can register for the conference, you must first become a member of JPS.**

Regular Membership is 50 dollars and Student/Retired membership is 30 dollars. Reduced Membership for Faculty is 25 and for students is 15 dollars for members from economically disadvantaged countries.


**Due to limited capacity and high interest, conference registration will close at the end of April 2023.**


Starting April 4th, the following conference registration rates will apply:


Regular Faculty: $275

Regular Student or Emeritus/Retired Faculty: $165

Reduced Faculty (Members from economically disadvantaged countries): $138

Reduced Student (Student members from economically disadvantaged countries): $69

Reduced rates are available to individuals working in economical disadvantaged countries.



To register, please visit our Member site and login to your account and then select “2023 registration” from the “conference” dropdown menu.

Please see the “Help” section on the Members site for more information.

If you have any questions about the conference, please contact conference@piaget.org.
