Our conference venue will be the beautiful and historic Ateneo de Madrid


The Ateneo has wi fi and has several wi fi networks depending on where you are in the building.

Sala de Exposiciones: jps1 

Cátedra Mayor: jps2 

La Cantina: jps3

Ramón y Cajal (2nd floor); Pérez Galdós (3rd floor), Úbeda (4th floor) y Larra (5th floor): jps4 

The password for all the JPS Wi fi networks is : jpsateneo


The general wifi at Ateneo (useful in the hallways) is: Ateneo Invitados

With the password: ateneo21


Each room is equipped with a projector and a computer with which to give your presentation. Sound is available is you wish to play videos during your presentation.

There will be 2 AV technicians to support us during the conference. We also have an amazing team of volunteers who can offer their help with technical problems.

Note that due to limited space and overwhelming interest, the plenary talks will be streamed to a second room. Please arrive early if you’d like to secure a seat in the main room (Cátedra Mayor, Capacity 330). The plenaries will also be streamed to the Ramón y Cajal Room (2nd floor) next to Cátedra Mayor.

If you wish to have lunch at La Cantina del Ateneo, it is recommended that you make reservations in advance for faster and more efficient service.

Please make reservations here:

Reserva Online

Please see below for a example of a standard lunch menu (menu del dia) with a fixed price.



Some suggested restaurants near the Ateneo


La Cantina del Ateneo at el Ateneo. Menu of the day, Tapas and more.  https://lacantinadelateneo.com/

LaMucca. Menu of the day and more. C/ Prado, 16. https://www.lamuccacompany.com/lamucca-de-prado/

Casa González. Tapas. C/ León, 12. https://www.casagonzalez.es/

Las cinco letras. Menu of the day, Tapas and more. C/ Prado, 25. 10% discount for those coming from el Ateneo https://lascincoletras.es/

Ocafú. Menu of the day, and more. C/ Prado, 10. https://ocafu.com/

Pasta Mascalzone. Menu of the day and more. C/ Cervantes, 6. https://pastamascalzone.es/
