Transformation Information


The “Nikola Tesla” airport

Аddress: Belgrade Airport 59, Belgrade

Phone number: +381 11 20 94 444


The “Nikola Tesla” airport in Surčin is located 18 km from the centre of Belgrade.

Transportation from the airport to the city center

Public transportation (GSP) – nr. 72 bus line

Ticket price: 80 din (0.8 €). Trip duration: 40 min. Route: Zeleni venac – New Belgrade municipality – Students’ City – Vojvođanska Street

“Nikola Tesla” airport Working time: 04.45-23.40h Frequency: every 30 min.


There is a taxi stop at the airport. The price of taxi transportation from the airport to the city centre is approximately 1,500 dinars (15 Euros).

Local Transportation in Belgrade

Belgrade City Transport Company

Аddress: 29 Knjeginje Ljubice Street, Belgrade

Phone number: +381 11 17 68 037

Belgrade city public transport is provided through a network of bus, trolleybus and tram routes run by GSP “Beograd” and bus services operated by private bus companies, on around 130 routes.

Single tickets can be bought: in public transport vehicles, from the driver or conductor (1 EUR) at kiosks marked with a ticket sales sticker (0.5 EUR)
at GSP points-of-sale (0.5 EUR)


Taxi services in Belgrade are provided by cars of varying colors, but they must all carry a blue city taxi sign on the roof as well as the designation of their taxi company.

The passenger is only required to pay for taxi services according to the current price list (start is around 1.5 EUR and one kilometer is around 0.6 EUR) and to the amount indicated by the taxi meter at the end of the journey. Negotiating a price for taxi services, where the taxi meter is not switched on, is not recommended, especially at the airport.

