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Corrections? Please contact Chris
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- Abbey, Lisa
- Department of Psychology
- George Fox College
- 414 N. Meridian St.
- Newberg, OR
- Abravanel, Eugene
- Dept. of Psychology
- George Washington University
- Washington, D.C. 20052
- Adey, Phillip S.
- Centre of Educational Studies
- King's College London
- Waterloo Road
- London SE1 8TX
- UK
- Ahl, Valerie Allen
- Department of Psychology
- University of Wisconsin
- Brogden Hall
- Madison, WI 53706
- Aikins, Shari
- Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology
- McGill University
- 3700 McTavish Street
- Montreal, Quebec H3A 1B1
- Altman, Elaine K.
- 100 Bleecker St.
- Apt. 19A
- New York, NY 10012
- Alward, Keith R.
- 780 San Luis Rd.
- Berkeley, CA 94707
- Antinucci, Francesco
- Instituto di Psicologia del CNR
- Via V. Aldrovandi, 16
- 00197 Roma
- Italy
- Arshavsky, Nina
- Department of Educational Psychology
- University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Room 467 Educational Sciences Building
- 1025 West Johnson Street
- Madison, WI 53706
- Aucoin, Lise-Marie
- Département de psychologie
- Université du Québec à Montréal
- C.P. 8888, succ. Centre-Ville
- Montréal, QC H3C 3P8
- Azmitia, Margarita
- Department of Psychology
- Clark Kerr Hall
- University of California
- Santa Cruz, CA 95064
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- Bearison, David
- Developmental Psychology
- Graduate Center/CUNY
- 33 West 42nd Street
- New York, NY 10036
- Bell, Gloria
- Psychology Department
- Texas Tech University
- Box 42051
- Lubbock, TX 79409-2051
- Benenson, Joyce F.
- Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology
- McGill University
- 3700 McTavish Street
- Montreal (Quebec) H3A 1B1
- Bidell, Thomas R.
- Boston College
- School of Education
- Campion Hall, 239D
- Chestnut Hill, MA 02167-3813
- Birenbaum, Adina
- Psychiatry Research
- Hospital for Sick Children
- 555 University Avenue
- Toronto, Ontario M5G 1X8
- Blake, Joanna
- Department of Psychology
- York University
- 4700 Keele St.
- North York, Ontario M3J 1P3
- Boehm, Christopher
- University of Southern California
- Bombi, Anna Silvia
- Department of Psychology
- University of Florence
- V.S. Niccolo 93
- 50125 - Florence
- Bond, Trevor G.
- School of Education
- James Cook University of North Queensland
- P.O.J.C.U.N.Q. Q.4811
- E-Mail: trevor.bond@jcu.edu.au
- Borzellino, Grace
- Department of Psychology
- York University
- 4700 Keele St.
- North York, Ontario M3J 1P3
- Bouffard, Therese
- Département de psychologie
- Université du Québec à Montréal
- C.P. 8888, succ. Centre-Ville
- Montréal, QC H3C 3P8
- Bovet, Magali
- University of Geneva
- 9, route de Drize
- 1227 Carouge
- Branco, Angela
- Department of Psychology
- CB#3270 - Davie Hall
- University of North Carolina
- Chapel Hill, NC 27599
- Brandt, Linda J.
- The George Washington University
- Department of Psychology
- 2125 G Street, NW
- Washington, D.C. 20052
- Brown, Terrance (President, JPS)
- 3530 N. Lake Shore Drive, 12A
- Chicago, IL 60657
- Bryant, David J.
- Department of Psychology
- Northeastern University
- Boston, MA 02115
- Butovskya, Marina
- Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology
- Lenisky prosp., 32-a, korp.B.
- Moscow 117334
- Bymes, James P.
- Department of Human Development
- College of Education
- University of Maryland
- College Park, MD 29742
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- Cachel, Susan
- Department of Anthropology
- Rutgers University
- Douglas College
- P.O. Box 270
- New Brunswick, NJ 08903-0270
- Call, Josep
- Department of Psychology
- Emory University
- Atlanta, GA 30322
- Cameron, Catherine Ann
- Department of Psychology
- University of New Brunswick
- Fredericton, N.B., E3B 6E4
- Campos, Milton N.
- Caixa Postal 901
- Bauru Sao Paulo
- 17050-970
- Carlson, Stephanie M.
- Department of Psychology
- 1227 University of Oregon
- Eugene, OR 97403-1227
- Carpendale, Jeremy
- Department of Psychology
- University of British Columbia
- 2136 West Mall
- Vancouver, British Columbia V6T 1Z4
- Chandler, Michael J. (President-Elect, JPS)
- Dept. of Psychology
- University of British Columbia
- 2136 West Mall
- Vancouver, British Columbia
- tel: 604-822-2407 / fax: 604-822-6923
- E-Mail: chandler@unixg.ubc.ca
- Charman, Tony
- Department of Psycholog (Phillips House)
- University College London
- Gower Street
- London, WC1E 6BT
- UK
- Cohen, Michael
- School of Education
- Indiana University-Purdue University,
- Indianapolis
- Inidianapolis, IN 46206
- Cohen, Rochelle F
- Indianapolis Senior Citizens Center
- 5119 North Capital Avenue Indianapolis
- IN 46206
- Cords, Marina
- Department of Anthropology
- Columbia University
- New York, NY 10027
- Cossette, Louise
- Département de psychologie
- Université du Québec à Montréal
- C.P. 8888, succ. Centre-Ville
- Montréal, QC H3C 3P8
- Coude , Gino
- Pavillon Felix-Antoine-Savard
- Ecole de Psychologie
- University Laval
- Quebec QC G1K 7P4
- Craton, Lincoln G.
- Department of Psychology
- Trinity University
- 715 Stadium Dr.
- San Antonio, Texas 78121-7200
- Cunningham, Michael
- Graduate School of Education
- University of Pennsylvania
- 3700 Walnut St.
- Philadelphia, PA 19104-6216
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- Daiute, Colette
- City University of New York
- Graduate Center
- Box 300
- 33 West 42nd St.
- New York, NY 10036-8099
- Damarin, Fred L.
- Psychology Department
- The Ohio State University
- 1885 Neil Avenue Mall
- Columbus, Ohio 43210
- Damerow, Peter
- Max-Planck-Institut Fuer Bildungsforschung
- Lenteallee 94
- D-14195 Berlin
- de Waal, Frans B.M.
- Yerkes Regional Primate Research Center and Department of Psychology
- Emory University
- Atlanta, GA
- DeBlois, Sandra
- Department of Psychology
- University of Massachusetts at Amherst
- Amherst, MA
- Debold, Elizabeth
- Human Development and Psychology
- Harvard University
- Graduate School of Education
- Cambridge, MA 02138
- Deka, Teddy S.
- The Ohio State University
- Department of Psychology
- 242 Townsend Hall
- 1885 Neil Avenue Mall
- Columbus, OH 43210-1222
- DeBianco, Rejeanne
- Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology
- McGill University
- 3700 McTavish Street
- Montreal (Quebec) H3A 1B1
- DeLisi, Richard
- Department of Educational Psychology
- Graduate School of Education
- Rutgers University
- New Brunswick, New Jersey 08903
- Dolhinow, Phyllis
- Department of Anthropology
- University of California
- Berkeley, California 94720
- Drea, Christine M.
- Department of Psychology
- 3210 Tolman Hall
- University of California
- Berkeley, CA 94720
- Dore, Francois
- Ecole de psychologie
- Universite Laval
- Quebec City, Quebec, G1K 7P4
- Dumas, Claude
- Département de psychologie
- Université du Québec à Montréal
- C.P. 8888, succ. Centre-Ville
- Montréal, QC H3C 3P8
- Dupree, Davido
- Graduate School of Education
- University of Pennsylvania
- 3700 Walnut St.
- Philadelphia, PA 19104-6216
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- Edelstein, Wolfgang
- Max Planck Institute for Human Development and Education
- Lentzeallee 94
- D-14195 Berlin
- Federal Republic of Germany
- E-mail: edelstein@vax2.mpib-berlin.mpg.d400.de
- Eisenberg, Jennifer
- Penn State University
- 417-B Moore Building
- University Park, PA 16802-3104
- Ekert, Jennifer
- 32 Fernald Drive #22
- Cambridge, MA 02138
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- Feider, Helga
- Département de psychologie
- Université du Québec à Montréal
- C.P. 8888, succ. Centre-Ville
- Montréal, QC H3C 3P8
- Feldman, David Henry
- Eliot Pearson Department of Child Study
- Tufts University
- Medford, MA 02155
- Fentiman, Jean
- Educational Consulting Services
- La Canada Flintridge, CA 91011
- Ferrari, Michel
- Yale University
- Department of Psychology
- 2 Hillhouse, Ave.
- New Haven, CT 06520-8205
- Fields, Gregory
- Psychology Department
- Texas Tech University
- Box 42051
- Lubbock, TX 79409-2051
- Fink, Rosalie P.
- Department of Humanities
- Lesley College
- 29 Everett St.
- Cambridge, MA 02138
- Fischer, Gwen Bredendieck
- Psychology Department
- Hiram College
- Hiram, OH 44234
- Fischer, Kurt W.
- Human Development & Psychology
- Larsen Hall 703
- Harvard Graduate School of Education
- Cambridge, MA 02138
- Flevares, Lucia M.
- Department of Psychology
- University of Chicago
- 5847 South University
- Chicago, IL 60637
- Fodor, Jerry A.
- Cuny Graduate Center
- Department of Philosophy
- 33 West 42 Street
- New York, NY 10036
- Ford, Sherrie
- Psychology Department
- University of Utah
- Salt Lake City, UT 84112
- Forster, Deborah
- University of California Sans Diego
- Cognitive Science
- 9500 Gilman Drive, dept. 0515
- La Jolla, CA 92093-0515
- Freitag-Rouanet, Barbara
- Ibsenstrasse 14
- 10.439 - Berlin
- Friederici, Angela
- Max Planck Institute for Cognitinve
- Neuroscience Leipzig
- P.O. Box 380133
- 14111 Berlin
- Federal Republic of Germany
- Funk, Mildred
- 2609 Lincoln Street
- Evanston, IL 60201
- Friedman, Batya
- Education and Human Development Program
- Colby College
- Waterville, ME 04901
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- Gagne, Nicole
- Département de psychologie
- Université du Québec à Montréal
- C.P. 8888, succ. Centre-Ville
- Montréal, QC H3C 3P8
- Garcia, Rolando
- Centro de Investigacion y de Estudios
- Avanzados
- Institutos Polytecnico Nacional
- Mexico, CP 04100
- Mexico, D.F.
- Gariepy, Jean-Louis
- Department of Psychology
- CB #3270, Davie Hall
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3270
- Gelman, Rochel
- Department of Psychology, UCLA
- Franz Hall
- 405 Hilgard Avenue
- Los Angeles, CA 90024
- Genereux, Randy
- Department of Behavioral Sciences
- Mount Royal College
- 4825 Richard Road S.W.
- Calgary, Alberta T3E 6K6
- Garnier, Catherine
- Universite du Quebec a Montreal
- CIRADE et Dept. de Kinanthropologie
- Montreal, Quebec H3C 3P8
- Gilotty, Lisa
- The George Washington University
- Department of Psychology
- 2125 G Street, NW
- Washington, D.C. 20052
- Ginsburg, Harvey J.
- Department of Psychology
- Sourthwest Texas State University
- San Marcos, TX 78666
- Glassman, Michael
- Department of Human Development
- University of Houston
- Houston, TX 77204-6861
- Glick, Joe
- City University of New York,
- Graduate Center
- Box 300
- 33 West 42nd St.
- New York, NY 10036-8099
- Gobell, Joetta
- Department of Psychology
- George Fox College
- 414 N. Meridian St.
- Newberg, OR 97132
- Goldman, Sylvia
- Developmental Psychology
- City University of New York
- Graduate Center
- 33 W. 42nd St.
- New York, NY 10036
- Gomez, Juan-Carlos
- Facultad de Psicologi
- Universite Autonoma de Madrid
- 28049, Madrid
- Gopnik, Alison
- Department of Psychology
- University of California at Berkeley
- Berkeley, CA 94720
- Gordeeva, Tamara
- Yale University
- Department of Psychology
- 2 Hillhouse, Ave.
- New Haven, CT 06520-8205
- Goulard, Claudia
- Department of Psychology
- Federal State University of
- Rio Grande do Sul
- Goulet, Sonia
- Laboratory of Neuropsychology
- Bethesda, MD
- Gray, William M. (Treasurer, JPS)
- Educational Psychology
- University of Toledo
- Toledo, OH
- USA 43606-3390
- E-Mail: FAC0002@uoft01.utoledo.edu
- Greenfield, Patricia
- 405 Hilgard Ave.
- Los Angles, CA 90024-1563
- Grigorenko, Elena L.
- Yale University
- Department of Psychology
- 2 Hillhouse, Ave.
- New Haven, CT 06520-8205
- Grobecker, Betsy
- Department of Teacher Education
- 8600 University Boulevard
- University of Southern Indiana
- Evansville, Indiana 47712
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- Hao, Heping
- Eliot-Pearson Department of Child Study
- Tufts University
- Medford, MA
- USA 02155
- Helwig, Charles C.
- Department of Psychology
- University of Toronto
- 100 George St.
- Toronto, Ontario M5S 1A1
- Hildebrandt, Carolyn
- Department of Psychology
- University of Northern Iowa
- Cedar Falls, Iowa 50614
- Hochman-Walsh, Rachel
- Department of Psychology
- Southwest Texas State University
- San Marcos, TX 78666
- Hoffman, Karen
- 1 Brook Street #3
- Brookline, MA 02146
- Hook, Jay G.
- Division of Continuing Education
- Harvard University
- 51 Brattle Street # 708
- Cambridge, MA 02138
- Horowitz, Mardi J.
- Department of Psychiatry
- University of California
- San Francisco, CA 94143
- Hsueh, Yeh
- Learning and Teaching Area
- Harvard Graduate School of Education
- Longfellow Hall 334
- Appian Way
- Cambridge, MA 02138
- Hutchins, Edwin
- University of California San Diego
- Cognitive Science
- 9500 Gilman Drive, dept. 0515
- La Jolla, CA 92093-0515
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- Janus, Christopher
- Department of Psychology
- University of Toronto
- 100 George Street
- Toronto, Ontario
- Janus, Magdalena
- Psychiatry Reseach
- Hospital for Sick Children
- 555 University Avenue
- Toronto, Ontario M5G 1X8
- Joram, Elana
- Department of Psychology
- Franz Hall
- 405 Hilgard Avenue
- Los Angeles, CA 90024
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- Kahn, Jr., Peter H.
- Education and Human Development Program
- Colby College
- Waterville, ME
- USA 04901
- Koch, Christopher
- Department of Psychology
- George Fox College
- 414 N. Meridan St.
- Newberg, OR 97132
- Kolmeyer, Jody
- Department of Psychology
- George Fox College
- 414 N. Meridian St.
- Newberg, OR 97132
- Kozintsev, Alexander
- Museum of Anthropolgy and Ethnography
- Universitetskayanab., 3
- Saint-Petersburg-34
- 199034
- Kingsley, Lynda
- Applied Psychology
- 252 Bloor St.
- Toronto, Ontario, M5S 1V6
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- Lafreniere, Peter J.
- Department of Psychology
- University of Maine
- Orono, ME 04469
- Lalonde, Chris E.
- Centre for Community Health Research
- 4480 Oak Street
- Vancouver, British Columbia
- tel: 604-875-3568 / fax: 604-875-3569
- E-Mail: webmaster@piaget.org
- Web: http://www.sunnyhill.bc.ca/Lalonde/
- Lanca, Margaret
- Department of Psychology
- Northeastern University
- Boston, MA 02115
- Lange-Kuettner, Christiane
- University of Aberdeen
- Department of Psychology
- King's College
- Aberdeen, UK AB9 2UB
- Latour, Alain
- Departement de mathematiques et informatique
- Universite du Quebec a Montreal
- C.P. 8888, succ. A
- Montreal, Quebec
- Lefebvre, Louis
- Dept. of Biology
- McGill University
- 1205 Avenue Docteur Penfield
- Montreal, P.Q. H3G 1B1
- Legerstee, Maria
- Department of Psychology
- York University
- 4700 Keele Street
- Toronto, Ontario M3J 1P3
- Levine, Barbara
- Centre for Research in Human Development
- Dept. of Psychology (PY annex)
- Concordia University
- 7141 Sherbrooke St. W.
- Montreal, QC H4B 1R6
- Lewis, Marc D.
- Centre for Applied Cognitive Science
- Ontario Institute for Studies in Education
- 252 Bloor Street West
- Toronto, Ontario M5S 1V6
- Liben, Lynn S.
- Penn State University
- 417-B Moore Building
- University Park, PA 16802-3104
- Lightfoot, Cynthia
- Department of Psychology
- State University of New York
- Plattsburgh, NT 12901
- Lillard, Angeline S.
- Department of Psychology
- Stanford University
- Stanford, CA 94305-2130
- Lynggaard, Henrik
- Department of Psychology (Philips House)
- University College London
- Gower Street
- London, WC1E6BT
- UK
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- Malerstein, Abraham
- 2264 Green Street, #4
- San Francisco, CA 94123
- Mansfield, Eric
- Educational Psychology Program
- 213 McKee Hall
- University of Northern Colorado
- Greeley, Colorado
- 80639
- Marcheschi, Mara
- Stella Maris Scientific Institute
- Institute of Developmental Neurology
- Psychiatry and Educational Psychology
- University of Pisa
- Italy
- Markovits, Henry
- Departement de psychologie
- Universite du Quebec a Montreal
- C.P. 888, succ. A
- Montreal QC H3C 3P8
- Masi, Gabriele
- Stella Maris Scientific Institute
- Institute of Developmental Neurology
- Psychiatry and Educational Psychology
- University of Pisa
- Italy
- McCarthy Gallagher, Jeanette
- 30 Golfview Road
- Doylestown, PA 18901
- McKinney, Michael
- Geological Sciences
- 306 GNG Building
- University of Tennessee
- Knoxville, TN 37996-1410
- Mello, Catia Olivier
- Department of Psychology
- Federal State University of Rio Grande De Sul
- Brazil
- Melot, Anne-Marie
- Laboratoire de Psychologie due Developpement
- University Rene Descartes Paris-V
- 46, rue Saint Jacques
- 75005 Paris
- Milbrath, Constance
- Department of Psychiatry
- University of California San Francisco
- LPPI CSN-0984
- 401 Parnassus Avenue
- San Francisco, CA 94143
- Marimon, Monserrat Moreno
- Barcelona University
- Barcelona, Spain
- Martens, Margaret
- Red Deer Youth Assessment Centre
- 26 Gunn Street
- Red Deer, Alberta
- T4P 2N2
- McKeough, Anne
- Department of Educational Psychology
- The University of Calgary
- 2500 University Drive NW
- Calgary, Alberta T2N 1N4
- Miller, David C.
- Department of Human Development
- College of Education
- University of Maryland
- college Park, MD 20742
- Miller, Patricia
- Department of Psychology
- University of Florida
- Gainsville, FL 32611
- Mitchell, Robert
- Dept. of Psychology
- Eastern Kentucky University
- Richmond, Kentucky 40475
- Moore, Chris
- Department of Psychology
- Dalhousie University
- Halifax, Nova Scotia B3H 4J1
- Moses, Louis J.
- Department of Psychology
- 1227 University of Oregon
- Eugene, OR
- Moshman, David
- Educational Psychology
- University of Nebraska
- Lincoln, NE 68588-0641
- Mueller, Ulrich
- Department of Psychology
- Temple University
- Weiss Hall 567
- Temple University
- Philadelphia, PA 19122
- Mukhopadhyay, Swapna
- 122 Miller Hall DQ12
- University of Washington
- Seattle, WA
- 98195
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- Nadel, Jacqueline
- Laco, CNRS Poitiers
- 95, Ave du Recteur-Pineau
- F-86022
- Poitiers
- Cedex
- Nelson, Katherine
- Developmental Psychology Program
- City University of New York
- Graduate Centre
- Box 300
- 33 West 42nd Street
- New York, NY 10036-8099
- Nicolopoulou, Ageliki
- Department of Psychology
- Smith College
- Northampton, MA 01063
- Noak, Raymond A.
- 5540 Montezuma Road
- San Diego, CA 92115
- Noam, Gil G.
- Harvard Medical School and Graduate School of Education
- Harvard University
- Roy E. Larsen Hall
- Cambridge, MA 02138
- Noelting, Gerald
- Ecole de psychologie
- Universite Laval
- Quebec (Quebec)
- G1K 7P4
- Nordmann, Nancy
- Psychology Department
- National-Louis University
- 18 South Michigan Avenue
- Chicago, IL 60603
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- O'Reilly, Anne Watson
- Department of Psychology
- P.O. Box 6040
- West Virginia University
- Morgantown, WV 26506-6040
- Overton, Willis F.
- Department of Psychology
- Weiss Hall 567
- Temple University
- Philadelphia, PA 19122
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- Parker, Sue T.
- Department of Anthropology
- Sonoma State University
- Rohnert Park, CA 94928
- Pennell, Greta Eleen
- Marketing Department - Livingston Campus
- Rutgers University
- New Brunswick, NJ 08903
- Pennell, James R.
- Sociology Department
- Rutgers University
- New Brunswick, NJ 08903
- Philippoussis, Maria
- Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology
- McGill University
- 3700 McTavish Street
- Montreal (Quebec) H3A 1B1
- Pion, Nadia
- Departement de psychologie
- Universite du Quebec a Montreal
- C.P. 8888, succ. A
- Montreal QC H3C 3P8
- Pinton, Guiliana
- Department of Psychology
- University of Florence
- V.S. Niccolo 93
- 50125 - Florence
- Italy
- Plesa, Daniela
- Developmental Psychology
- City University of New York Graduate Center
- 33 W. 42nd Street
- New York, NY
- 10036
- Poli, Paola
- Stella Maris Scientific Institute
- Institute of Developmental Neurology
- Psychiatry and Educational Psychology
- University of Pisa
- Italy
- Poti, Patrizia
- Istituto die Psicologia
- Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
- via Ulisse Aldrovandi 16b
- 00197
- Roma
- Poulin-Dubois, Diane
- Centre for Research in Human Development
- Dept. of Psychology (PY annex)
- Concordia University
- 7141 Sherbrooke St. W.
- Montreal QC H4B 1R6
- Povinelli, Daniel J.
- Laboratoyr of Comparative Behavioral Biology
- USL - New Iberia Research Center
- 100 Avenue D., New Iberia
- LA 70560
- Pufall, Peter B.
- Department of Psychology
- Clark Science Center
- Smith College
- Northampton, MA 01063
- Pulos, Steven
- Educational Psychology Program
- 213 McKee Hall
- University of Northern Colorado
- Greeley, Colorado
- 80693
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- Quesnel, Martine
- Universite due Quebec a Montreal
- Montreal, Quebec H3C 3P8
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- Raskiewicz, Henryk
- Department of Psychology
- Warsaw University
- Branch in Bialystok
- 20 Swierkowa Street
- 15 - 644 Bialystok
- Poland
- Reese, Elaine
- Department of Psychology
- P.O. box 56
- University of Otago
- Dunedin, New Zealand
- Reid, D. Kim
- Division of Special Education
- University of Northern Colorado
- Greeley, CO
- 80693
- Reith, Emiel
- Faculte de Psychologie et des Sciences de l'Education
- Universite de Geneve
- 9, route de Drive
- C-1227 Carouse (GE)
- Switzerland
- Renninger, K. Ann
- Swarthmore College
- 500 College Avenue
- Swarthmore, PA 19081-1397
- Robison, Gregory
- Department of Psychology
- University of Maryland
- College Park, MD
- 20742
- Roch-Levecq, Anne-Catherine
- University of California, San Diego
- Department of Psychology, 0109
- 9500 Gilman Drive
- La Jolla, CA
- 93093
- Rochat, Philippe
- Department of Psychology
- Emory University
- Atlanta, GA 30322
- Ross, Hildy
- Department of Psychology
- University of Waterloo
- Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1
- Rousseau, Jean-Pierre
- Pavillon Felix-Antoine-Savard
- Ecole de Psychologie
- Universite Laval
- Quebec QC
- G1K 7P4
- Russon, Anne
- Dept. of Psychology
- Glendon College
- 2275 Bayview Avenue.
- Toronto, Ontario M4N 3M6
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- Saetermoe, Carrie L.
- Department of Psychology
- California State University, Northridge
- 18111 Nordhoff Street
- Northridge, CA
- 91330-8255
- Savage-Rumbaugh, E. Sue
- Language Research Center
- Georgia State University
- Atlanta, GA 30303-3083
- Saxe, Geoffrey B.
- 405 Hilgard Ave.
- Los Angeles, CA 90024-1563
- Scholnick, Ellen Kofsky
- Department of Psychology
- University of Maryland
- College Park, MD
- 20742
- Schmidt, Shana
- Department of Psychology
- George Fox College
- 414 N. Meridian St.
- Newberg, OR
- 97132
- Schroder, Eberhard
- University of Potsdam
- Department of Psychology
- Postfach 60 15 53
- D-14415 Potsdam
- Federal Republic of Germany
- Siegel, Bryna
- Langley Porter Psychiatric Institute, Box CAS
- University of California, San Francisco
- 401 Parnassus Avenue
- San Francisco, California
- 94143-0984
- Shafrir, Uri
- Applied Psychology
- 252 Bloor Street
- Toronto, Ontario M5S 1V6
- Sigel, Irving
- Educational Testing Service
- Rosedale Road
- Princeton, NJ 08541
- Smith, Leslie
- Department of Educational Research
- Lancaster University
- Lancaster LA1 4YL
- Great Britain
- Spencer, Margaret Beale
- Graduate School of Education
- University of Pennsylvania
- 3700 Walnut Street
- Philadelphia, PA 19104-6216
- Sperb, Tania Mara
- Department of Psychology
- Federal State University of Rio Grande do Sul
- Brazil
- Starkey, Prentice
- Department of Education
- UC, Berkeley
- Berkeley, CA 94720
- Stauder, Johannes E.A.
- Sainte-Justice Hospital
- Laboratory of Cognitive Psychophysiology and Neuropsychiatry
- Department of Psychiatry
- 3100 Ellendale
- Montreal, Quebec
- Stevens, Elizabeth
- 184 Prince Edward Drive
- Etobicoke, Ontario
- Stiles, Joan
- University of California, San Diego
- Department of Psychology, 0109
- 9500 Gilman Drive
- La Jolla, CA
- 93093
- Strum, Shirley C.
- University of California, San Diego
- Anthropology
- 9500 Gilman Drive, dept. 0101
- La Jolla
- CA 92093-0101
- Subrahmanyam, Kaveri
- Department of Psychology, UCLA
- Franz Hall
- 405 Hilgard Avenue
- Los Angeles, CA 90024
- Suomi, Stephen
- Laboratory of Comparative Ethology
- Building 31
- Room B2B15
- 9000 Rockville Pike
- Bethesda, MD 20892
- Swanson, Dena
- Graduate School of Education
- University of Pennsylvania
- 3700 Walnut Street
- Philadelphia, PA 19104-6216
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- Teo, Thomas
- Max Planck Institute for Human Development and Education
- Lentzeallee 94
- D-14195 Berlin
- Federal Republic of Germany
- Tilden, Joanne
- Centre for Research in Human Development
- Dept. of Psychology (PY annex)
- Concordia university
- 7141 Sherbrooke St. W.
- Montreal QC H4B 1R6
- Tomasello, Michael
- Department of Psychology
- Emory University
- Atlanta, GA 30322
- Tomes, Ruth E.
- Department of Family Relations
- Oklahoma State University
- 226B Human Environmental Sciences
- Stillwater, OK 74078
- Trautner, Hanns Martin
- Westfalische Wilhelms-Universitat Munster
- Psycholigisches Institut III
- Fliednerstrasse 21
- D-48149 Munster
- Turiel, Elliot
- University of California, Berkeley
- Berkeley, CA 94720
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- Upitis, Rena
- Department of Psychology
- Queens University
- Ontario, Canada
- Uzgiris, Ina
- Department of Psychology
- Clark University
- Worchester MA 01610
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- van der Molen, M.W.
- Faculty of Psychology
- University of Amsterdam
- Amsterdam
- Holland
- Vania, Luke
- Latimer Elementary School
- 4250 Latimer Ave.
- San Jose, CA 95130
- Vezeau, Carole
- Departement de psychologie
- Universite due Quebec a Montreal
- C.P. 8888, succ. A
- Montreal QC H3C 3P8
- Voneche, Jacques
- Archives Jean Piaget
- Route des Acacias 18
- CH 1227 Acacias-Geneve
- Suisse
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- Wainryb, Cecilia
- Psychology Department
- University of Utah
- Salt Lake City, UT
- 84112
- Wallen, Kim
- Department of Psychology
- Emory University
- Atlanta, GA 30322
- Wansart, William L.
- Department of Education
- University of New Hampshire
- Durham, NH
- 03824
- Waxman, Barbara
- 6265 Vassar Ave. N.E.
- Seattle, WA
- 98115
- Whiten, Andrew
- School of Psychology
- University of St. Andrews
- St. Andrews
- Fife KY16 9JU
- UK
- Wigmore, Barbara
- Department of Psychology
- University of New Brunswick
- Fredericton, N.B. E3B 6E4
- Winn, Mary
- Department of Psychology
- Weiss Hall 567
- Temple University
- Philadelphia, PA 19122
- Winner, Ellen
- Boston college
- 1021 Forest Ct.
- Palo Alto, CA
- 94301
- Woodward, Amanda L.
- Department of Psychology
- University of Chicago
- 5848 South University Avenue
- Chicago, IL
- 60637
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- Yut, Emily
- Department of Psychology
- 405 Hilgard Ave.
- Los Angeles, CA 90024-1563
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- Zan, Rosetta
- Stella Maris Scientific Institute
- Institute of Developmental Neurology
- Psychiatry and Educational Psychology
- University of Pisa
- Italy
- Zubris, Donna K.
- 621 North 40th Street, #1
- Omaha, Nebraska
- 68131
- Zuk, Carmen Veiga
- Psychiatric Clinic
- Southern California Permanente Medical Group
- 13746 Victory Blvd.
- Van Nuys, California
- 91401
- Zuk, Gerald H.
- 25316 Pacy Street
- Santa Clarita
- California
- 91321-3343
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