Thursday, June 6, 1996Program for: Friday | Saturday | |
8:00-3:00 | Registration (Pre Assembly) |
10:00-4:00 | Book Exhibit (Pre Assembly) |
8:45-9:15 | Opening Remarks (Ormandy West) Welcome: Michael Chandler, President Jean Piaget Society Conceptual Development: A Piagetian Legacy, Ellin K. Scholnick, University of Maryland |
9:15-10:15 | Keynote Address
Bärbel Inhelder, Université de Gèneve Unfortunately, for health reasons Professor Inhelder will not be able to attend the Symposium. Fortunately, Jacques Vonèche has been kind enough to agree to give the Keynote address Professor Inhelder had prepared. |
10:30-12:00 | Symposium 1: Homage à Bärbel Inhelder: The legacy of her research on adolescent development (Ormandy West)
Symposium 2: Affect, cognition and Piaget (Ormandy East) Paper Session 1: Peers and adults as agents of cognitive development (Sonata 3) Paper Session 2: Rereading Piaget and epigenetic theory (Sonata 5) |
12:00-1:30 | Board Meeting: (Orchestra) |
1:30-3:00 | First Invited Symposium (Ormandy West) Personal and cultural processes in the development of representation and meaning Symposium 3: Children's reflections following academic work: Lessons about self-regulative processes and about fostering self-regulation in school settings (Ormandy East) Symposium 4: Rasch analysis in context (Sonata 3) Paper Session 3: Moral reasoning and education (Sonata 5) |
3:15-4:15 | Poster Session 1: (Pre Assembly) Exhibit Interval: Viewing Piaget (Ormandy East) |
4:30-6:30 | Plenary Panel 1: Models of Conceptual Development (Ormandy West) Robbie Case, Frank C. Keil, David Klahr |
6:30-7:30 | Wine and Cheese (Center Hallway) Dialogue (Ormandy West) |
Friday, June 7, 1996Program for: Thursday | Saturday | |
8:30-3:00 | Registration (Pre Assembly) |
10:00-4:00 | Book Exhibit (Pre Assembly) |
9:00-10:30 | Symposium 5: Knowledge development in social interaction (Ormandy West)
Symposium 6: Children's explanation as a window on transitions in development (Ormandy East) Paper Session 4: Development of representation and pretense (Sonata 3) Paper Session 5: Self and society constructing knowledge (Sonata 5) |
10:45-12:15 | Symposium 7: Collaborating in context: Co-construction of skills
in cognitive and language development (Ormandy West)
Symposium 8: Moral development in culture: Particular and universal ways of orienting to morality (Sonata 5) Paper Session 6: Actions, words and models in conceptual development (Sonata 3) Paper Session 7: Models of early lexical and conceptual development (Sonata 5) |
12:30-1:30 | Society Members Annual Meeting (Ormandy West) (Lunch ticket purchased at registration) |
1:30-3:00 | Second Invited Symposium: Sponsored by ACT and JPS (Ormandy West) Piagetian theory, learning, and teaching in school related knowledge domains Symposium 9: Relational processes of developmental change: Adaptation, semiotics, and dialogue (Ormandy East) Paper Session 8: Children's understanding of mental and personal-social qualities (Sonata 3) Discussion 1: Considerations of interest in learning and development (Sonata 5) |
3:15-4:15 | Invited address: Sponsored by ACT and JPS (Ormandy East)
Paul A. Cobb: Constructivist, emergent, and sociocultural perspectives in the context of developmental research Poster Session 2: (Pre Assembly) |
4:30-6:30 | Plenary Panel 2: Origins of Conceptual Development (Ormandy West)
Rolando Garcia, Susan Oyama, Andrew N. Meltzoff |
6:30-7:30 | Wine and Cheese (Center Hallway)
Dialogue (Ormandy West) |
Saturday, June 8, 1996Program for: Thursday | Friday | |
8:00-9:00 | Registration (Pre Assembly) |
10:00-4:00 | Book Exhibit (Pre Assembly) |
8:30-10:15 | Third Invited Symposium: (Ormandy East)
Piaget's legacy to some applied developmental areas Symposium 10: The Function of multiple representations in children's problem solving (Ormandy East) Discussion 2: New interactive approaches to college teaching (Sonata 3) Workshop: You can have your cake and eat it too: Integrating structure and content in moral education (Sonata 5) |
10:30-12:30 | Plenary Panel 3: (Ormandy West)
Sources of Conceptual Development Jacques Vonèche, Geoffrey Saxe, Susan Carey |
12:30-2:00 | Lunch (Center Hallway)
(Tickets purchased at registration) Dialogue (Ormandy West) |
2:00-4:30 | Fourth Invited Symposium: (Ormandy West)
Piaget and epistemology |
4:30-6:30 | Board of Directors Meeting (Maestro) |
© 1995-1996 The Jean Piaget
Send comments to: Chris Lalonde ( Last update: 8 June 1997 |