JPS 2021 – Celebrating 50 Years
1-5 June, Virtual Conference
Cynthia Lightfoot, Ulrich Müller, and Cintia Rodríguez (Organizers)
Shannon Audley and Emanuela Yeung (Virtual Conference Chairs)
The occasion of our 50th anniversary provides a unique and timely opportunity to both celebrate the birth and history of the Jean Piaget Society, and critically examine Piaget’s enduring contributions to contemporary developmental scholarship and practice. The 2021 conference focuses on constructivism, a foundational tenet of Piaget’s theory and the School of Geneva. Our invited program will explore both science and culture as active, transformative, historical processes and practices, with deep and far-reaching implications for understanding human development and knowledge: the processes and practices of science are woven into what is considered to be truth and knowledge, and what is valued with respect to how human development is studied and to what effect; those of culture—from daily routines to institutionalized practices (e.g., in education)—become tools with which developing individuals construct realities, knowledge and value commensurate with personal and relational histories. An interdisciplinary cast of invited speakers will provide an overview of different constructivist approaches (including Vygotsky’s); address the relevance of constructivism to the burgeoning fields of epigenetics and neurodevelopment, with special reference to the longstanding nature-nurture controversy; critique the ongoing dialogue about constructivist education and policy; and explore implications of constructivism for understanding developmental diversities. The history of the Jean Piaget Society will be showcased in a variety of displays and special sessions during the first day of the virtual meeting. Conference Platforms JPS 2021 will be hosted and organized through the conference app Whova. Whova is freely available as a mobile app (iOS, Android) and as a desktop web interface using Internet browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Explorer or Safari. Conference attendees will be able to view pre-recorded talks, posters, and join live Zoom sessions directly through the app. After you have registered for the conference, participants will receive an email in late May to sign in to Whova and to download the mobile app to access the conference pages. All live sessions including the invited addresses, scheduled paper and poster sessions, discussion sessions, and symposia will be hosted on Zoom. Individual Zoom links will be made available through the Whova conference app. Artist website: www.lanaguisefineart.com |
About JPS 2021