JPS 2021 – Celebrating 50 Years
1-5 June, Virtual Conference
Already a Member? Please sign into your account on the membership site to register for the conference.
Registration for the virtual conference is open. We are excited to bring you 5 days of virtual programming with live plenary sessions, invited symposia, discussion sessions, and paper & poster question & answer periods via the platform Whova, and Zoom. Note that only after you have become a member you can register (and pay) for the conference. Sounds complicated but is really easy: you only need to make a few simple choices. Relevant fields will be pre-populated with your account and member information: no need to type in the same information again and again. Registration Fees$50 USD for regular members $25 USD for student members / reduced rate Reduced Membership FeesResidents of certain countries are eligible for a 50% reduction in fees (based on World Bank categories for lending eligibility): please see the Help on the membership site. InvitedIf you are an invited speaker, or a volunteer, or a tech assistant, you are still supposed to register: please see the Help on the membership site.
Artist website: www.lanaguisefineart.com |
About JPS 2021