JPS Journal Access

A message from the Editor of Human Development
Dear JPS Members,
I would like to welcome you as subscribers to Human Development. Our journal publishes theoretical and conceptual papers on a broad range of topics in developmental psychology and related disciplines. Recent issues have featured articles on the nature of dynamic developmental systems, early moral development, the development of intelligence, the embodiment of mathematical reasoning, how adolescent boys of color negotiate friendships amidst the racialized context of high school, and women’s ways of knowing. Each year we will conclude with a special double issue produced by JPS based upon their annual meeting.
Your subscription entitles you to access to all of the journal back files. You will find much of interest including classical papers by Piaget on formal operations, James Wertsch introducing Vygotsky’s ideas about the Zone of Proximal Development, and Lawrence Kohlberg’s first publication describing his stage theory of moral development.
Welcome to what we proudly view as the world’s premier journal for developmental theory. We hope to receive manuscripts from you as potential contributors as well as readers.
Larry Nucci
Editor in Chief